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Wisconsin Greens Denounce Deregulation Legislation. |
Wisconsin Green Party January 15, 2004 Contact: So-Called "Jobs Creation Bill" Sets Corporations Against the Well-being of Wisconsin Citizens Greens Say Legislation Example of Dangers of Bipartisan Corporate Agenda The Wisconsin Green Party notes that the so-called "Jobs Creation Bill", recently passed in the Assembly (84-14) by Democrats and Republicans, erodes the ability of the state of Wisconsin to ensure that our waterways and air quality will be adequately protected. The intent of this bill is to attract businesses looking for shortcuts to set up shop in the Badger state. "Some businesses have complained that the process for getting air and water permits was too long and too complicated, making Wisconsin less competitive for businesses from other states to want to settle here," said Pete Karas, Alderperson from Racine. "Environmental excellence takes planning and commitment. There are no short cuts. There does not need to be a choice between a healthy environment and a healthy economy. In fact, without a healthy environment, the basis for all business, there will be no healthy economy." The bill, which still needs to pass in the Wisconsin Senate in order to become law, would diminish the opportunity for the public and Wisconsin regulatory agencies to examine and/or prohibit activities that are potentially detrimental to our waterways and our air quality. Both water and air quality are increasingly threatened by human activity. "Water and air are public resources, not a private boon," said Karas. "Corporations should not be subsidized through the sacrifice of our water and air quality and the loss of public oversight over these resources. This bill provides more benefit to the short range profits of developers than to Wisconsin workers." Wisconsin jobs have been diminished and degraded through NAFTA, the WTO, and other Free Trade agreements that disregard environmental and labor standards. The Jobs Creation Bill, rather than providing responsible leadership, does more of the same. The Wisconsin Green Party condemns the bipartisan maneuvering of Governor Doyle, Republicans, and many Democrats in the Wisconsin legislature in failing to provide leadership by discouraging sustainable business practices. Ecologically sound businesses could help Wisconsin gain an edge in the global marketplace. "We commend Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager for attempting to do her job on behalf of Wisconsin citizens," said Jill Bussiere, Cospokesperson of the Wisconsin Green Party. "However, neither she nor her staff was invited to participate with Governor Doyle and the Assembly Republicans in the formation of the "Jobs Creation Bill". Nor were drafts of the bill provided, although she requested them repeatedly. Clearly, the environment was shortchanged by excluding her input." The Wisconsin Green Party supports the recruitment of businesses to our state that use energy efficiently, use renewable energy, and use exemplary environmental practices. We support community oversight and control in seeking to recruit potential businesses. The Wisconsin Green Party stands on the four pillars of Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, and Nonviolence. For more information, visit . The Green Party of the United States' website is
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