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Wisconsin Green Party Sends 33 Delegates to National Convention in Milwaukee:  22 Delegates Instructed to Vote for David Cobb.

Wisconsin Green Party
April 29th, 2004

Jill Bussiere, Co-Spokesperson: 920-388-0529, jdt@wisconsingreenparty.org
George Martin, Co-Spokesperson 414.745.5740

The Wisconsin Green Party (WGP) has qualified to send 33 delegates to the National Green Party Nominating Convention to be held in Milwaukee June 23rd to 28th. The total number of delegates to the convention is 836.  Wisconsin delegates were chosen in the following manner: Green Congressional District Caucuses chose two delegates each (16 total); each of the identity caucuses within the WGP -- Diversity, Women, Lavender, Youth -- chose one delegate (4 total); six (6) delegates were chosen based on the results of the mailed ballot that went out to all Green Party members in the state; seven (7) delegates were chosen by a vote of those attending the April WGP Spring Gathering in Madison.

The final tally of how the delegates are instructed to vote in the first round (and in some cases longer) is as follows:

.  David Cobb -- 22
.  Uncommitted -- 4
.  Peter Camejo -- 4
.  Kent Mesplay -- 2
.  Lorna Salzman --1

For more information on the Green Party of the United States' contested Presidential primary and the candidates seeking the party's nomination, visit http://www.gp.org/convention/process.html.

The Wisconsin Green Party stands on the four pillars of Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, and Nonviolence.  For more information, visit http://www.wisconsingreenparty.org.  For information about the Lavender Caucus, visit http://www.lavendergreens.org/lavender_greens_001.htm

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