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Wisconsin Green Party Congratulates Voters for Electing Gwen Moore. |
Wisconsin Green Party January 7, 2005 Wisconsin Green Party Spokespersons: The Wisconsin Green Party sends congratulations to the voters of Wisconsin's Fourth Congressional District for electing Gwen Moore, Wisconsin's first African-American to Congress. This is the second Wisconsin record that Moore has broken - she was also the first African-American woman elected to the Wisconsin State Senate. "We are very pleased to see increased representation of diversity in the U.S. Congress," said Ruth Weill, representative from the 4th Congressional District to the WGP Coordinating Council. Two hundred and twenty-one women have been members of Congress, including Rep. Jeanette Rankin who was sworn in as the first Congresswoman on March 4, 1917. The 109th Congress shows a gain in seats for women, from 63 to 68. It shows a gain in seats for African Americans as well, from 39 to 43. "Gwen Moore ran a very good campaign on principled issues," said Tommy King, the 4th CD's other representative to the WGP Coordinating Council. "We look forward to working with her." The Wisconsin Green Party is affiliated with the Green Party of the United States, and stands on the four pillars of Social & Economic Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Nonviolence, and Ecological Wisdom. For more information, visit . The Green Party of the United States' website is
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