Wisconsin Green Party
March 14, 2005
Jill Bussiere, Co-spokesperson, Wisconsin Green Party, 920.388.0529,
920.255.2175 jdt@wisconsingreenparty.org
David Barnhill, Co-spokesperson, Lake Winnebago Green Party,
920.361.0911, 920.424.0644
Wisconsin Green Party Endorses March 15th Women's
Health Day of Action
The Wisconsin Green Party, which stands firmly for
women's reproductive rights, endorses the Women's Health Day of Action,
to be held on Tuesday, March 15th, in Madison. Greens will participate
and be visible at the event.
The Day of Action was organized by Planned
Parenthood & Stand Up for Women's Health to promote family planning,
reproductive rights, and access to affordable health care. The day
includes speakers, workshops, opportunities to meet with legislators,
and a march to the Capitol.
"These next four years will be very critical
for women's reproductive rights," said Kathy Sommers, Chair of the
Greater Milwaukee Green Party Women's Caucus.
"With judicial retirements coming up on the
Supreme Court, and Bush's advocacy of abstinence as the main form of
birth control, women's health could be back in the Dark Ages very
shortly. We women need to keep the pressure on all our legislators -
state, federal, Green, Democrat, Republican and Libertarian - to remind
them that women are a part of 'We the people...' and that our
reproductive health is very important to us." Sommers is a member
of the Women's Caucus of the Green Party of the United States.
Greens advocate for measures which would help to
ensure that women are able to lead healthy lives.
"Greens believe that we women, not mostly male
legislators, have absolutely got to have control over our own
bodies," said Jill Bussiere, Wisconsin Green Party Co-spokesperson.
"Creating a society that supports and respects women will result in
healthier women, children, and families. This includes adequate health
care, education, a living wage, and access to birth control and
"There are increasing attacks upon women's long
struggle for equality," said David Barnhill, Co-spokesperson of
Lake Winnebago Green Party. "Some men and political groups are
trying to keep control over women. We all need to stand together and
insist on women's freedom. They deserve no less, and we would all
benefit from it."
The Wisconsin Green Party is affiliated with the
Green Party of the United States, and stands on the four pillars of
Social & Economic Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Nonviolence, and
Ecological Wisdom. For more information, visit http://www.wisconsingreenparty.org.
The Green Party of the United States' website is http://www.gp.org.
For more information on Women's Health Day of
Action, visit