Wisconsin Green Party
Candidate Press Release
Monday, September 26, 2005
Jill Bussiere, 920-388-0529 or 920-255-2175, jdt@itol.com
Rae Vogeler, 608-237-1337 http://www.VoteRae.org
Oregon, WI -- Working mom and peace activist, Rae
Vogeler, declared her strong support today for Cindy Sheehan and
others who were arrested for peacefully protesting the Iraq War
outside of the White House.
"The very foundation of our democracy is the
ability to voice an opinion different than that of the powers that
be," said Vogeler. "Cindy Sheehan's dissent against this
immoral and unjustified war follows in the footsteps of other great
American patriots that had the courage to stand up for what was right
and what they believed in."
"As the mother of two children myself, I'm
very worried about their future growing up in a world of unending
cycles of war, poverty, and violence." Vogeler goes on to
emphasize that a few people are profiting enormously from this war
while American soldiers and innocent civilians are dying. "This
is a war for the rich being fought by the poor and people of
Vogeler pointed out the "hypocrisy of D.C.
politicians for so eagerly supporting the war while sheltering their
own children in Ivy League schools." Out of 535 members of
Congress, less than a half dozen have children in Iraq.
One of the founding members of the Madison Area
Peace Coalition, Rae Vogeler is running for U.S Senate as a Wisconsin
Green Party candidate. She opposes 3-term incumbent Herb Kohl for
"his ongoing support of the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, and tax
cuts that only benefit Senator Kohl and his wealthy friends."
Vogeler remarks, "The President still owes
Cindy Sheehan, and the moms and dads of the other 1,916 dead children,
an explanation as to why he sent their kids to war under false
pretenses. I believe Senator Kohl bears equal responsibility for his
vote on the war."