Wisconsin Green Party
Sent to
The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle
Sent January 14, 2006
Posted January 23, 2006
To the Editor:
In response to "Green Party's Divestment Doesn't Promote
Peace ", which opposes the Green Party's resolution (www.gp.org/press/pr_2005_11_28.shtml)
urging divestment from Israel.
Greens offer "real solutions for real problems". Our party's
platform on the Middle East " recognizes that our greatest contribution to peace in
the Middle East will come through our impact on U.S. policy in the region.
We view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an especially relevant issue
given our government ' s pivotal role in providing Israel with both political cover for its unlawful policies, and financial support - to date over
$105 billion of our tax dollars.
Like the authors of the editorial in the Jewish Chronicle, we have a "keen
interest in focusing on efforts of reconciliation, including investment in
meaningful coexistence programs that are necessary to foster a generation
of Israelis and Palestinians who will work and live side-by-side in peace and
security. "
Our membership includes Muslims and Jews, as well as a variety of others,
who are working for the rights of Palestinians in harmony with both Israeli
& Palestinian peace groups. The resolution for divestment was authored through the
collaboration of members with Jewish and Muslim backgrounds. It is through people working together with such diverse
backgrounds that we gain the wisdom to see our way to peace.
The authors of the editorial charge that the Green Party has gone far
beyond other divestment strategies. Of this, we are guilty. We are proud that
our positions do not reflect " politics as usual " . Our party often
takes radical stances - stances that address the root of a given problem, rather
than the symptoms. Only by addressing the basic cause of problems can
lasting solutions be reached.
This is the case in the Green Party approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It has its roots in the creation of a state that
displaced hundreds of thousands of people, and subsequently broke international law
in settling on surrounding territories.
Despite consensus among international human rights monitoring groups like
Israel ' s B ' Tselem, at least 65 UN Security Council resolutions, and the 2004 International Court of Justice decision on the Separation Wall against it, Israel, with the
continuing support of our government, continues to stand above the law.
Our platform states:
We reaffirm the right of self-determination for
both Palestinians and Israelis, which precludes the self-determination of one
at the expense of the other."
Yet, self-determination for Israel increasingly comes at the expense
of that of Palestinians.
The Green Party acknowledges that both Israelis and Palestinians have a
right to be secure. Our position attempts to realize the conditions under
which that security could best be attained. We have a profound belief
that peace cannot be attained without justice, and that it cannot be attained through violence. Therefore, we condemn violence committed by all in the
conflict, and advocate for measures that encourage justice. Our resolution is such an example.
This week we received these words from Jeff Halper, head of ICAHD (The
Israeli Committee Against Housing Demolitions), in our communications about the Green Party ' s divestment resolution: "Please pass on the
appreciation of progressive Israelis for the GP's courageous stand that lends strong backing to our own efforts to bring about a just and sustainable
The Green Party has not taken a stance on the existence of Israel as a
Jewish state. Since we strongly believe in self-determination, we have no
stance on either a one-state or two-state solution. Instead, we advise
consideration of a one-state solution because of the current realities in
the region. We support any solution that will implement justice, access
to a livelihood, water, health care, security, and self-determination for
In sum, many Greens see that the best hope to achieve peace, self-determination and security for both Israelis and
Palestinians is to bring the pressure of the international community to bear on Israel
through such a divestment movement. We invite the readers of the Jewish Chronicle to become our allies.
Jill Bussiere, Wisconsin Representative, International Committee, Green
Party of the United States
Bob Poeschl, Co-chair, Wisconsin Green Party
Ruth Weill, Co-chair, Wisconsin Green Party