Wisconsin Green Party
Vogeler for US Senate
Sunday, April 9th, 2006
Jill Bussiere, Media Coordinator, 920.388.0529, or 920.255.2175
Rae Vogeler, 608.695.2695 or 608.237.1337
Vogeler to attend Madison rally to support immigrant rights
Rae Vogeler, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, will attend the Madison
rally in support of immigrant rights on Monday, April 10th, and join in
solidarity with those converging at Brittingham Park at 10:30 AM, and marching to the state capitol for a
program at Noon.
"This country was founded on immigration," said Vogeler. "With the exception
of American Indians, we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants.
Yet, there are several bills at the state and national level that will be
devastating to immigrants, as well to lower income U.S. citizens. SB657 and
AB69 discriminate against those least able to afford and obtain documentation of legal residency status, whether they be immigrants, or
citizens of the United States."
SB657 requires documentation before one can obtain public assistance of any
kind, and AB69 requires proof of legal residency status in order to obtain a
drivers' license.
Our free trade agreements allow the free flow of capital, corporate
investment and goods from one country to another, but the free movement of
workers harmed by those same trade policies is blocked," Vogeler said.
"Workers need to move from one country to another, and organize themselves
in order to ensure that they get fair wages and safe working conditions to
counter the devastating effects of such trade policies. HR4437 criminalizes
that movement to search for a way to support one's family, and criminalizes
acts of compassion by U.S. citizens in support of their fellow human beings."
"Our government's 'free trade' policies are gutting wages and living
conditions and destroying the environment in many other countries. The
people of these countries are being left with a difficult choice: face
unemployment and starvation, or take a chance on emigrating to the U.S. One
of the four pillars of the Green Party is Social Justice. We seek justice
for all."
Rae Vogeler is calling on all progressives -- those in support of democratic
rights and civil liberties, the right of labor to organize and all those
opposed to racism and discrimination -- to join this mobilization for the
rights of immigrants.