Wisconsin Green Party
July 9th, 2006
Bob Poeschl, Co-chair, Wisconsin Green Party, 920-312-0529, carpepax@riseup.net
Ruth Weill, Co-chair, Wisconsin Green Party, 414-350-2107, moondog@execpc.com
Rolf Lindgren, Libertarian Party; 608-279-5889 or RolfL@tds.net
MADISON -- Today the Wisconsin Green Party and Libertarian Party of
Wisconsin issued a joint called for Congress to initiate the impeachment of
George W. Bush.
The grounds for impeachment include:
President George Bush made false statements to Congress, the American
people, and the world to win support for actions by the United States
government and military forces in violation of the U.S. Constitution,
Charter of the United Nations, and other international laws. Evidence has
emerged that the intelligence agencies of the United States had repeatedly
informed the President that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction or means
to threaten the United States, and that alleged evidence produced by the
administration was fraudulent.
President George Bush violated the U.S. Constitution by seizing military
powers reserved to the U.S. Congress. Our Founding Fathers made it very
clear in the text of the Constitution that the decision to declare war must
be debated by the People, through their representatives in Congress, before
such an important decision can be made.
President George Bush authorized warrant-less searches of U.S. citizens,
not authorized by the U.S. Constitution. The Bush administration defended
warrant-less searches by deeming them an emergency power of the Commander-in-Chief,
however President Bush had no such powers as Commander-in-Chief since there was no Congressional declaration of
President Bush authorized the denial of due process, extraordinary
rendition, secret detention centers, and torture at various sites, including
Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, thus violating U.S. and international law.
Other war crimes, which require impeachment if based on White House orders,
include the military targeting of journalists, individual reporters as well
as television stations (Al Jazeera and Abu Dhabi), and looting of hospitals,
museums, and private homes.
In addition both parties call for the investigation into whether President
George Bush authorized the use of depleted uranium and cluster bombs in the
preemptive invasion of Iraq, and whether the military targeting of journalists, individual reporters
and television stations (Al Jazeera and Abu Dhabi), and the looting of hospitals, museums and private homes were
based upon White House orders.
The High Crimes of President George Bush have lead to:
Thousands of deaths of U.S. citizens
Millions of U.S. citizens have had their privacy violated by their
own government
Billions of tax dollars wasted
The Wisconsin Green Party is an affiliate of the Green Party of the United
States, which passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of George W.
Bush at its annual meeting in July, 2003. The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin made a decision to
call for impeachment at their June, 2006 meeting.
Together, we call for the 117th U.S. Congress to begin impeachment
Proceedings against President George Bush.
For more information visit:
The Wisconsin Green Party www.wisconsingreenparty.org
The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin http://www.lpwi.org/pws/
Release of Green Party of the United States calling for impeachment
Libertarian Federal Candidate:
Dave Redick for U.S. Senate www.redick2006.com
Wisconsin Green Party Federal Candidates:
Rae Vogeler for U.S. Senate www.voterae.org
Bob Levis for U.S. Congress, 5th CD www.boblevis.org
Mike Miles for U.S. Congress, 7th CD www.milesforcongress.org