Accreditation Information

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8. Addendum: Santa Barbara resolution


1.(a): The Green Party of the United States is a federation of independent, State-level Parties. (Around the country, local Green organizations are represented in different ways, depending on by-laws and representational systems; GPUS rules, however, require that its members be State-level organizations serving statewide constituencies.)

1(b): When a caucus gains accreditation by GPUS, it is awarded two voting delegates and one alternate to the GPUS National Committee, and up to three voting members to each Standing Committee. This apportionment is permanent, and does not change in relation to membership strength. Additional individuals from a caucus, with the consent of the caucus, are welcomed to volunteer for GPUS working committees as permitted by committee rules.

1(c): An accredited caucus may be disaffiliated by the National Committee only for just cause, such as egregious action not in general accordance with the Ten Key Values. A caucus may be disaffiliated if there is no participation in NC voting by its delegate or alternate for one year. Disaffiliation actions may be appealed to the NC. Caucuses that are disaffiliated may later be reaccredited.

1.c.1: GPUS’s home page is

1.c.2: Our by-laws are available at:

1.c.3: The Green Party’s operating procedures are:

1.c.4: The Green parties’ platform can be found at:


To apply for GPUS membership, your caucus is invited to submit a completed application packet, which should include the following documentation in the order indicated:

2.a.1: A letter of application addressed to the Co-chairs of the Accreditation Committee which indicates the date and setting of the application decision (i.e., annual meeting 2/15/01, teleconference 3/22/02, on-line decision 6/18/02), including a list of at least 100 members in at least 15 GPUS- affiliated states, containing name, address, and state party membership of each member (see section 6.b.1-5 below).

2.b The name, address and state party membership of up to three delegates to the Diversity Committee.

2.c: The current by-laws of the caucus.

2.d: The current platform of the caucus.

2.e: A list of at least 100 members, in at least 15 GPUS affiliated states, containing name, address, phone number (if available), email address (if available) and state party membership of each member.

2.f: Additional materials that the Accreditation Committee can read and use
to establish your caucus’ credentials. This could include newsletters, news
clippings, incorporation papers or other legal documents, literature, etc.


3.a: Identity Group Formation: When anyone in the Green party becomes aware of an identity group being interested in forming a caucus, that person will notify the Diversity Committee.

3.b:  Receipt of Application: Once a caucus is ready to consider accreditation, its official representatives will send two copies of the letter o application and packet (the Application) to the GPUS national office, once addressed to the co-chairs of the Accreditations Committee (AC), the other to the co-chairs of the Diversity Committee (DC).  It is strongly suggested to also send as much of the packet as possible via email to the Accreditations and Diversity Committees at their respective email addresses.  The AC and the DC will keep each other completely updated in all areas of identity caucus accreditation.

3.c: Committee Assignment, liaisons: As soon as the Application is received, the AC and the DC shall each assign a committee member to the application. The AC shall communicate to the applicant the AC and DC members assigned to the application, indicating the AC shall be the primary contact for official communications regarding the accreditation process and the DC shall assist and facilitate the process, acting as an advocate for the applying caucus. Both the AC and the DC co-chairs shall forward the application to all members of their respective committees for review.

3.d: Evaluation process: The AC shall notify the Coordinating committee that the application has been received.  The Accreditation Committee may request additional paperwork, clarifications and assurances, in order to determine that the applicant party satisfies the criteria listed below.  The Accreditation Committee review process should be speedy and non-bureaucratic.  If we are to err, it should be on the side of permissiveness.  Applicant should experience Greens as a welcoming committee.  The Diversity Committee will assist the caucus in formation to complete the necessary documentation, working hand in hand with the Accreditation Committee.

3.e: Report to and vote by the Coordinating Committee: Except in extraordinary situations, the AC shall make its report to the CC in the form of a formal proposal, within 60 days of the AC  chair receiving a complete application.  A complete application is one that includes all of the documentation necessary for the CC to make an informed decision and shall be considered received when the national office issues notices of its receipt to the applying caucus.

The proposal shall be presented according to the customary procedure to submit proposals for discussion and vote by email or at a national meeting of the CC, whichever can be done most promptly.  The proposal to the CC should explain the committee¹s findings for each of the accreditation criteria, and recommend for or against approval of the application and accreditation of the Identity Caucus¹s one delegate and one alternate to the  CC.  Any request for clarification directed to the AC or the DC shall be addressed without  prejudice.

If the AC and the DC cannot reach consensus on the report, the proposal shall include both the AC and the DC¹s recommendations.  A two-third¹s majority vote is required to approve an Identity Caucus.

3.f: Appeals process:  Should the AC and the DC recommend against approving an application, the AC is obligated to report that negative recommendation to the applicant caucus, giving the applicant caucus thirty days to prepare an appeal to the CC.

3.g: Additional Documentation:  The CC may require the gathering of additional evidence.  This might include on-site visits by authorized representatives of the CC to caucus headquarters, gatherings or other meetings.  A written report with specific recommendations should be communicated to the CC and the matter should be discussed and decided a the next general meeting of the CC.

4. Goals of the Accreditation Process

4.a: To ensure that applicant Identity Caucuses and State Parties understand:

i. The goals, values, plans and organization of the Green Party of the United States,
ii. The criteria Identity Caucuses and state parties are expected to fulfill.
iii. The resources available from the GGPUS to assist Identity Caucuses and state parties  in party-building in order to fulfill the criteria.

4.b: to verify that Identity Caucuses and state parties are indeed bona-fide organizations meeting the values and criteria set forth in this proposal and related documents.

4.c: To welcome new Identity Caucuses and their representatives, and
facilitate their integration into the party.

5: Criteria for Identity Caucus Membership in the GPUS

The Caucus must:

5.a: Accept of the four pillars of the international Green Party movement [ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy, non-violence], or the GPUS’s Ten Key Values, as guiding principles.

5.b: Be organized and run in accordance with these values.

5.c: Be open to and reflective of natural members of the Identity Caucus.

5.d: Have held at least on emeeting and will continue to hold such meetings not less than annually.

5e: Have elected its leadership and delegates in a democratic and transparent manner.

5.f.: Aggree to support national candidates selected at the national Green Nominating Convention.

5.g: Maintain a current list of at least 100 members in 15 state parties with name, address and their state party membership.

5.h. Represent a historically disenfranchised or underrepresented and significant sector of the population.

6. Temporary Inactive Status

An accredited Identity Caucus which has failed to cast votes for a period of six months, or has not sent delegates to two consecutive meetings of the Coordinating Committee, may be assigned to temporary inactive status, upon recommendation of the Accreditation Committee and majority vote of the Coordinating Committee.

Caucuses assigned to temporary inactive status will retain GPUS accreditation and, insofar as possible, will continue to receive CC correspondence; but shall not be counted toward the CC quorum.

7.  Revocation of accreditation  for Inactivity

Should a caucus with temporary inactive status not regain its active status within one year, the Accreditation Committee may recommend a formal revocation vote by the CC. Addendum: Santa Barbara resolution

Here is the specific wording of the resolution approved in Santa Barbara, establishing the basic framework for accrediting caucuses:

When a caucus for an underrepresented group has formed, that caucus will submit its application for accreditation according to the same procedures used for state party accreditation. A caucus application will include documentation of caucus membership, showing that 100 individuals, from at least 15 states, who are both members of the underrepresented group itself, and of their respective state Green parties, have joined the caucus; and that the caucus uses democratic procedures for its internal leadership selection and general decision-making. As with state parties, the caucus application will include documentation for the caucus’s by-laws, principles, history and activities.