Presidential Campaign Support Committee

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The Mission of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee includes preparing and administering an exploratory/outreach plan to potential candidates seeking the GPUS Presidential nomination, representing the GPUS in coordinating communication with candidates seeking the GPUS Presidential nomination, managing the process or awarding official recognition and promoting participation in candidate debates.

How to Seek the 2020 Presidential Nomination

Green Party 2020 Presidential Nomination Process

Every four years, the Green Party of the United States nominates its presidential and vice-presidential candidates at its quadrennial Presidential Nominating Convention. In 2016 the convention was held in Houston, Texas, August 4-7.

The Green Party has run a presidential candidate in every presidential election since 1996.  These candidates are currently seeking the GPUS Nomination for 2020.

The PCSC has sent a Presidential Candidate Questionnaire to all candidates seeking our nomination.  Responses to this questionnaire will be published when they are received

Official recognition as a candidate seeking the GPUS Presidential nomination. To become officially recognized as a candidate seeking the GPUS Presidential nomination for President, one must demonstrate a level of grassroots support within the Green Party and a level of legal and financial organization by satisfying these criteria, including gaining signatures of support from at least 100 Green Party members.

Individual state parties and accredited national caucuses will select delegates to the 2020 Green Party Presidential Convention via a variety of processes, including primaries, caucuses and state conventions, followed by the 2020 Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention.

Information will be available on decision-making by state parties regarding which presidential candidates will be placed on their primary election ballot in states where there are Green Party primaries in 2020. Dates will be found on this calendar.