January 12, 2020

Green Party of the United States
Steering Committee

Sunday January 12, 2020
8:00 PM EST
  1. Call Setup & Background
    15 minutes
    1. Facilitator:
      Charles Sherrouse
    2. Roll call
      Justin Beth,
      Kristin Combs,
      Trahern Crews,
      Margaret Flowers,
      Gloria Mattera,
      Tony Ndege,
      Anita Rios
      David Gerry
      Hillary Kane
      Holly Hart (IA),
      Bruce Hinkforth (PlatCom),
      Starlene Rankin (LC),
      Tamar Yager (WC)
    3. Establish Quorum: 9 current members; quorum is 5.

      Please mute if your phone doesn't have a mute option then you can use star 6 to mute and unmute your phone.

      When someone finishes speaking please say “over” then the stack will be called and people can ask to be added.

    4. Agenda revision suggestions

      If there is not consensus then simple changes need a majority and new items require 2/3 majority.

  2. Standing Business
    50 minutes
    1. Secretary's Report (David)
      5 minutes
    2. Treasurer's report (Hillary)
      5 minutes

      Monthly Treasurer Reports

    3. Approval of Expenditures
      5 minutes

      2020 Budget

      1. CCC: $1400 for Campaign Schools (Budget line: 60)
        5 minutes

        $200 to Pennsylvania to help subsidize 10 women to attend the Ready to Run training. This training costs more than $20/pp and remaining costs are being covered by the state and local parties.

        Up to $1200 for an Oregon/Washington state campaign school Feb 23rd in Portland. This will cover two plane tickets for trainers (Erin Fox is likely to be one; still looking for a second trainer ideally from the West Coast). The Oregon Green Party will be covering costs for space, printing, and other miscellaneous expenses.

      2. 2019 Budget: BAC $10,000

        Approved 12/31/19; Yes: Hillary, Gloria, Justin, Kristin, Tony; No: Anita

        The $10,000 will come from BAC reserves $3,028 (as of October 2019), $6,000 from 2019 BAC budget line, $700 approved by Outreach Committee from their 2019 budgeted funds, and $278 approved by Steering Committee.

        Funds are allocated $7,000 for IL, $1,500 for NY, and $1,500 for OH.

      3. 2019 Budget: FundCom $575

        Approved 12/17/19; Yes: Gloria, Hillary, Kristin, Justin, Anita, Trahern

        Sustainer Record Cleanup Proposal
        Line 34: List Clean Up by Outside Vendors $125
        Line 31: Printing Prep Mail Costs – Other $450

    4. Liaison reports
      30 minutes
      • Animal Rights Committee (Justin)
      • Banking and Monetary Reform Committee (Justin)
      • Presidential Campaign Support Committee (Justin)
        Meetings: Second Thursdays
      • Presidential Candidate Resources Working Group (Justin)
        Meetings: Saturday
      • Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Committee (Kristin)
      • Dispute Resolution Committee (Kristin)
      • Green Pages Editorial Board (Kristin)
      • Apportionment Review Committee (Kristin)
      • Accreditation Committee (Trahern)
      • Merchandising Committee (Trahern)
        Meetings: First and Third Mondays
      • Annual National Meeting Committee (Margaret)
        Meetings: Third Thursdays
      • Peace Action Committee (Margaret)
        Meetings: First and Third Tuesdays
      • Platform Committee (Margaret)
      • Coordinated Campaign Committee (Gloria)
        Meetings: First and Third Tuesdays
      • Fundraising Committee (Gloria)
        Meetings: First and Third Mondays
      • Media Committee (Gloria)
        Meetings: Second and Fourth Tuesdays
      • Ballot Access Committee (Tony)
        Meetings: Third Mondays
      • Eco-Action Committee (Tony)
      • Outreach Committee (Tony)
      • Diversity Committee (Anita)
        Meetings: Fourth Wednesdays
      • Finance Committee (Anita)
        Meetings: Third Wednesdays
      • International Committee (Anita)
    5. Staff Report (Gloria, Hillary)
      5 minutes

      Staff meetings are the first and third Tuesdays of the month.

    6. Forum Manager's Report
      0 minutes

      2019 Third and Fourth Quarter Reports

  3. Voting Queue (https://secure.gpus.org/cgi-bin/vote/index)
    5 minutes
    1. In the queue


    2. Received for the queue
      Call for findings

      1. 984 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter I, Democracy
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:

        Expedite for early entry into the queue.

      2. 985 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter II, Social Justice
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:

        Expedite for early entry into the queue.

      3. 986 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter II, Social Justice
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:

        Expedite for early entry into the queue.

      4. 987 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter III, Ecological Sustainability New Section N
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:

        Expedite for early entry into the queue.

      5. 988 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter III, Ecological Sustainability, New Section O
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:
      6. 989 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter III, Ecological Sustainability, Section M
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:
      7. 990 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter III, Ecological Sustainability, Section J
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:
      8. 991 — 2020 Platform Ammendment Proposal: Amendment to Chapter III, Ecological Sustainability, New Section P
        Platform Committee; Sponsor: Eco-Action Committee
        Floor Manager:
      9. 992 – Budget Amendment: Ballot Access Committee
        Steering Committee
        Floor Manager:
  4. Old Business
    5 minutes
    1. New Liaison for for CPD Lawsuit from “Level the Playing Field” (David; Decision)
      5 minutes

      Charles Ostdiek has been the SC liaison for this since June 14, 2015 when he was an SC co-chair. Propose that a current member of the SC take over as liaison.

  5. New Business
    0 minutes


  6. End call recording

    1 hours 15 minutes
  7. Executive Session
    0 minutes


1 hours 15 minutes
  • Items for Future Agendas
    • Strategic Plan (Discussion)
      30 minutes
      Action items for next SC meeting
      minutes from public meeting; no recording is available for Sat. Nov. 23. (David)
      Collect documents from retreat including originals and merged vision and mission statements. (Justin, Michael)
      Notes from the retreat. (Tony, Alan)
      Work on goals.
    • Conflick of Interest Statement for Committees (Justin; Discussion)
      10 minutes
    • letter of solidarity to Australian Greens (Gloria; ?)
      0 minutes
    • Endorsing the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaigns March on the DNC (Trahern; ?
      0 minutes
    • PCSC (Margaret; ?)
      0 minutes