Financial History Current Year 2014

2011 2012 2013 Budget Projections

Actual(est) Actual(est) Budget Actual(est) Tier 1 Tier 2 Line Item Narrative

Donor Contributions

Sustainers 70000 60066 67000 69000 73000 76000 donors who give on a monthly basis
One Time Contributors

Under $100 48000 60272 78000 47000 50000 52000 all contributions less than $100
$100-$500 36000 49436 65000 37500 40000 42000 all contributions from $100 up to $500
Over $500 44000 25777 30000 21000 24000 27000 all contributions of $500 or more
Planned Giving 30400 5129 0 30000 20000 20000 this is a $50,000 bequest from an estate that will send $30,00 in 2013
Merchandise Sales

Retail Sales 5500 14583 17000 7000 12000 14000 merchcom sales goal
Bulk Sales 1500 0 5000
3000 3500 deeply discounted quantity sales to states and locals
Printed Literature & Green Pages 500 0 4700
3000 3000 Green Pages and other printed literature sold at cost
Registration Fees

Annual National Meeting 24812 28245 20000 10575 10000 10000 equals line 80 and has no effect on the bottom line surplus
Other Events
0 0 0 0

Committee Self Fundraising Commitments

15500 17000 see lines 131-139 at bottom for detail
TOTAL REVENUE 260712 243508 286700 222075 250500 264500
% increase over prior year actual

12.8% 19.1%

Fundraising Staff

Salaries & Wages 29075 36000 36000 36000 39000 39000 contemplates a raise in mid year
Payroll Taxes & Insurance 2841 4680 4680 3975 5070 5070
Health Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0
Direct Mail

Printing & Mail Prep Costs-Resolicit 15500 16800 25000 23135 16000 16000 3 or 4 mailings @ same rate as last two, but reduced by $2000
Printing & Mail Prep Costs-Prospect
2085 0 0 0 0
Postage Costs 5222 6250 9500 8117 5500 6000 3 or 4 mailings @ same rate as last two, but reduced by $2000
List Purchases
0 0 0 0 0
Donor Database Services 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 currently Salsa Labs, but could move to NationBuilder for similar cost
Phone Solicitation-Green Donors
0 0 0 0 0

0 0 2000 provision for some prospect mailing if we fundraise into tier 2

Cost of Merchandise Sold 4000 5000 13000 3500 8700 10150 this is a formula based on sales
Cost of Printed Literature
0 2000 0 500 500 this plus line 76 equals line 15
Postage & Shipping
1225 2400 1200 1800 2000 merchandise shipping
Advertising & Promotion
0 0 0 0 0
Income Tax on Sales
0 100 0 0 0
Inventory Growth
0 3000 1200 1200 1200 amount added to line 36 for inventory purchases to support sales

Electronic Payment Processing 5303 7300 7000 4442 5010 5290 formula of 2% of sales
Miscellaneous Fundraising Costs
0 2000 2769 2500 2500 ANM fundraiser costs for food/beverage/venue/etc
State Sharing Distributions

6966 3500 7579 2009-$4742 / 2010-$6224 / 2011-$7079
TOTAL FUNDRAISING COSTS 67941 85340 110680 97304 94780 103289

NET REVENUE AFTER FUNDRAISING COSTS 192771 158168 176020 124772 155720 161211
% of total revenue available for operations 74 66 61 56 62 61


Political Director Salary
0 0 0 0 0
Payroll Taxes & Insurance
0 0 0 0 0
Health Insurance
0 0 0 0 0
Ballot Access 1000 21787 10,000 1,865 5000 7000 committee self funding: tier 1-$1500 / tier2-$3000
Candidate Support 1000 0 2,000 2,000 4500 5000 committee self funding: tier 1-$3500 / tier 2-$3500
Campaign Schools
0 1,500 300 2500 3000 committee self funding: tier 1-$1500 / tier 2-$1500
0 0

TOTAL ELECTORAL POLITICS 2000 21787 13,500 4,165 12,000 15,000

Field Organizer Stipends
0 0 0 0 0
Payroll Taxes
0 0 0 0 0
Health Insurance
0 0 0 0 0
Media Committee

Media Director Salary 9000 9000 9000 9000 10200 10200 $100/month raise
Payroll Taxes & Insurance 1137 1170 1170 995 1326 1326 SS / worker's compensation / temporary disability
Health Insurance 4483 5304 5616 5912 6504 6504 medical / dental / drug / vision
Media Contact List
495 300 300 300 300 Gebbies List: an electronic media service used to distribute press rel.

0 0 0

0 1000 1000 pay for click ads on Face Book
Media Committee-cell & internet service 480 1680 4640 4001 4080 4080 utility support for Scott and Starlene
Outreach Committee

4000 5000 committee self funding: tier1-$2000 / tier2-$2000
ANM Diversity/Registration Scholarships
700 1000 1075 1000 1000 Anti Racism Training Costs in 2013 & 2014
Printing Platform Summary 3233 0 0 0 250 250
Memberships & Conferences
250 300 0 0 0
Green Pages 1562 2330 2700 2150 2500 2500 this plus line 37 equals line 15
TOTAL ORGANIZING & OUTREACH 19895 20929 24,726 23,433 31,160 32,160

Steering Committee 4585 4937 4500 4266 4000 4000 SC travel to meetings
Annual National Meeting 22318 21176 20000 6499 10000 10000 equals line 17 and has no effect on the bottom line surplus
International Representation
500 2000 917 3000 3500 Global Grn dues(+FPVA dues in tr 2) + comite funds travel @ $2000
Legal Counsel
500 0 0 0 0
TOTAL GOVERNANCE 26903 27113 26500 11682 17000 17500

Executive Director

Office Manager 39000 39000 39,000 39,000 39000 39000 no change for 2014
Project/Volunteer Organizer
0 0 0 0 0
Payroll Taxes & Insurance 3469 5070 5070 4310 5070 5070 SS / worker's compensation / temporary disability
Health Insurance 5520 5304 5616 5912 6504 6504
Web Manager Contractor 5969 7845 10900 6890 8400 8400 40 hours/month @ $17.50/hour
Accountant Contractor
0 6000 0 3000 5000 allowance for 2011-fwd accounting after Jeff sets up & does 2010
Rent 17850 14600 15400 15400 17200 17200 goes up $50/mo each year
Utilities 950 1825 2000 1825 608 608 utilities combine into rent on 5/1
Phone/DSL 2900 1550 1600 1570 1000 1000 office phones & internet connection
Internet Services 2310 2475 2550 2539 2450 2450 Pair & Site Vision hosting services
Supplies 1800 500 2500 0 1500 1500
IT Development
2500 850 1579 5000 5000 committee self funding: tier1-$3500 / tier2-$3500
Postage 2710 2000 3000 500 1000 1000
Insurance 1035 1035 1200 1035 1200 1200 general liability & property insurance policies
Miscellaneous-bank fees, etc 2710 2000 2000 1900 2000 2000 Pay Pal and Signal Bank fees
TOTAL SUPPORT & SERVICES 86223 85704 97686 82460 93932 95932

TOTAL EXPENSES 135021 155533 162,412 121,740 154,092 160,592

EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENSES 57750 2635 13,608 3,032 1,628 619


Accounts Payable (estimate) 13590

Loans Received

Loan Repayment 21050 5000 6000 2875 1400
BAC loan $2875 (Tamar defers $3000) Merchandise loan $1400
debt repayment expected in

State Sharing-2008 6754 4586

State Sharing-2009
5000 6061

State Sharing-Q 1&2 2010

State Sharing-Q 3&4 2010

State Sharing-2011

Ballot Access (as of 6/30/2010) 1487

CCC 36

PAX 18

IT Fund 2390

International Committee 2360

Black Caucus (as of 6/30/2010) 1660

Lavender Caucus 342

National Women's Caucus 582

Youth Caucus

NET SURPLUS TO GEN FUND & RESERVES 7481 -951 1,547 157 228 619

Committee Self Fundraising

amounts below are committee self fundraising commitments

1500 3000
Candidate Support

3500 3500
Campaign Schools

1500 1500

1500 1500

2000 2000

2000 2000
IT Group

3500 3500

Total Committee Self Fundraising to line 19

15500 17000 total goes to line 19