Green Party
Coordinated Campaign Committee Minutes

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Minutes of the Coordinated Campaign Committee
October 12, 2003 (Approved by the CCC on 10-26-03 by consensus)

The meeting by conference call convened at 9:10 p.m. EDT. Members present: Masada Disenhouse, NY; Susan King, CA; Dan Kinney, PA; Mike Livingston, MD, recording; Gray Newman, NC, facilitating; Juscha Robinson, WI, co-chair; Roy Williams, TX, co-chair. Adrianna Buonarotti, MI, joined later.

Members reported on state activities.

Juscha reported on the proposed job description for the USGP Political Director. The job description as circulated to the CCC list was APPROVED by consensus (Mike recused).

Juscha reported on the proposed timeline for hiring the USGP Political Director, revised from previous drafts, with the job opening to be announced Oct. 20 and closed Nov. 20; screening to begin Nov. 21; interviewsto be held Dec. 1-4 or as needed; and an offer made by Dec. 10. The timeline as revised was APPROVED  by consensus (Mike recused).

Masada proposed that a search subcommittee be designated to plan interview questions and format, develop screening criteria, and conduct interviews. Juscha, Roy and Susan volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. The mandate and membership of the search subcommittee was APPROVED by consensus.

Mike reported on the proposed plan for initial staffing and operation of the campaign hotline. The plan as circulated to the CCC list was APPROVED by consensus.

Masada reported the recommendation of the Resources Subcommittee to give $1,000 in matching funds to the Matt Gonzalez campaign in San Francisco, $2,000 to the Matt Ahearn campaign in New Jersey and an additional $200 to the Brita Butler-Wall campaign in Seattle. It was noted that $500 of the award to the  Gonzalez campaign is contingent on further information from the San Francisco Greens on a point of local campaign finance law. The subcommittees proposal was APPROVED by consensus.

Masada reported the recommendation of the Resources Subcommittee to reallocate $3,000 in unused CCC funds to the matching funds budget for 2003 ($2,000 for immediate use and $1,000 to be held in reserve in case of special elections or runoffs). The proposal was APPROVED by consensus.

It was informally agreed that the Ahearn campaign should be featured on the USGP web site. Juscha volunteered to implement.

It was informally agreed that the CCC should issue a national appeal by email for volunteers and  donations to the Gonzalez and Ahearn campaigns.Mike volunteered to edit and expand on material provided by Susan and Masada.

Juscha proposed that an email list be established for CCC state associates. It was informally agreed to implement upon circulation of a written plan from Juscha.

Juscha reported on the activities of the BAWG.

It was DECIDED by consensus that the approved minutes of the CCC will be posted to the National Committee Affairs email list.

Juscha proposed that the Green Wave national volunteer recruiting tool be revived. It was informally agreed  to implement after the November 2003 election; Masada and Gray volunteered to help.

Juscha reported on the SC action to fill vacancies on the CCC.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. EDT. The CCC will reconvene October 26 at 9 p.m. EST with Mike facilitating and Dan recording, on a conference call bridge to be designated by Juscha on the CCC list.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Livingston
Green Party of Maryland