Green Party
Coordinated Campaign Committee Minutes

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Conference Call from Coordinated Campaign Committee; October 26, 2003.

Attending: Adrianna Buonarroti (MI), Gray Newman (NC), Mike Livingston
(MD), Susan King (CA), Juscha Robinson (WI), Dan Kinney (PA), Roy Williams
(TX), Masada Disenhouse (NY)
Guest: Mike Feinstein

Facilitator: Mike Livingston, Notes: Susan King
Approved by consensus on email


0:05 Approve agenda and minutes
0:10 Plan for election night
0:30 Staff position (finalize timeline and appoint screening subcom.)
0:40 Resources subcommittee proposal (see below)
0:50 Follow up on state associates
0:55 Vermont (assign and follow up)
1:05 Finalize database policy
1:10 Hotline (approve and assign greeting)
1:15 Campaign schools
1:25 CC strategic planning proposal
1:45 Internal (CCC) strategic planning
2:00 adjourn

Agenda approved, save for the mention that we are now on standard time.

Election night activities: Juscha and Gray headed up the election night
activities, with Dan tracking major PA races.

Handling data- Each CCC member is tracking races and updating the databases
for their states.

Coordinating with media team: Roy and Juscha, as co-chairs, will liaise
with the media team and take press calls, etc. Mike F will ID races to
watch, so a template press release can be developed in advance.

Associates: Juscha has sent job descriptions and tasks to the state
associates. A listserv is being set up for state associates.

For database updates, Mike F urges us to please not go and re arrange any
data from past elections, and focus on 11/4/03 results only.

Database policy for Green candidates: There will be a final version for a
formal policy for how we determine who is a Green candidate. We agreed on
the concept of this policy, to be added to the website once

Listing candidates who do not qualify? We agreed to remove candidates if
they announce and fail to make the ballot.

Hiring: Juscha, Adrianna and Gray are the hiring sub committee, plus two
members of the SC.

We will use the Conflict of Interest policy that we developed. If the
applicant pool is not large enough, we can determine if we should proceed
with hiring later.

Resources sub committee report: We discussed the following:
A total of $6,750 was distributed as campaign staff matching funds to Matt
Gonzalez (CA), Matt Ahearn (NJ), Jean DeSmet (CT), Brita Butler-Wall (WA),
Tom Hutt (PA), and Heather Urkuski (PA).
We need to get verbal reports from campaigns.

Reviewing the process for the future: we will evaluate this process for
improvements, including revising the stipulation that funds must only be
used for staff matching.

Vermont update: VT is seeking status, needs CCC liaison; Dan will do it
later, after the campaign season winds down.

Hotline update:  Hotline promotion will be done in the upcoming Greensweek;
CCC members signed up to check voicemail on regular basis.

Campaign Schools:
1) Convention school in WI in June: We should definitely plan for this.
Susan, Roy, Dan, Gray, Masada and Mike will help. We should do specialized
workshops vs. more general ones.

2) Chesapeake Bay: there is interest in doing a MD, Wash DC are school
early next year (Jan)

3) Southern California: there will be an LA area training in Jan,
coordinated by state party with CCC/GPUS input.

Strategic Planning: discussion of online CC proposal for strategic
planning. It is a good idea to plan, surveys will be useful, CCC will be
doing own planning and use the results from the party wide strategic
planning.  Communication is key.

CCC strategic planning process will start after November elections. Masada
will head effort up.
Mike will take on reviewing the resources subcommittee so Masada can focus
on strategic planning.

Next month: brief update on strategic plan on 11/9 call; full discussion by
11/23 , pending Masada's schedule.

CCC replacement: SC is issuing call for candidates, CC will elect.

Presidential coordination: Juscha and Susan have been participating in
calls, a draft plan has been submitted.

Call adjourned at 11:02 EST.