Green Party
Coordinated Campaign Committee Minutes

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Attending: Juscha Robinson (WI), Facilator; Susan King (CA), notes; Masada Disenhouse (NY), Gray Newman (NC), Dan Kinney (PA), Adrianna Buonarroti (MI), NEW: Jeff Cropp from OR.

Introductions and Welcome for Jeff Cropp. Tom Sevigny is the other new CCC rep.

Strategic Plan. Big thanks to Masada for taking the lead on this. Special meeting last Sunday (Nov. 16) to discuss priorities. Pretty much agreed on tasks to undertake, discussion about priorities for what to focus on next year. .

Discussion of possible coordinated Congressional campaign. Good to coordinate congressional races, worked well in 2002 for us and we were able to do this task successfully. Two conditions: focus on strategic races (ID seats that are strategic for us to run in), we do not invest $$ in these races. The matching funds are for races where the candidates have a chance to win. Our strength is in running winning local races.

CCC needs to discuss Presidential Campaign Support Committee and who CCC rep to PCSC will be. Other focus: on re electing Greens, CCC support for Officeholder's network.

Proposal: Each CCC rep should take the lead on one major project and assist with other projects. Staff hire will change some of the priorities, such as the database and tracking, which could be done by staff, so the plan should be finalized after the staff hire. CCC comes to consensus on proposal.

Budget: We have to make deep cuts in our budget. Review item by item. CCC will decide 3rd amended budget online and send to Finance Committee. Decides to preserve campaign school, matching fund, ballot access and Political Director money. Discusses other funding options for supporting candidates and working with Finance Committee to find other ways to raise funds for projects.

Website: Discuss need for changes, additions and updates. Masada will organize them and send out summary.

Resources: Mike working on revision of application. Need to get applications for next cycle. Dec-Feb 04 elections. Masada will check in with Mike on process. Subcommittee is meeting before next regular call.  Changing membership of committee tabled to next call after folks decide what items they want to focus on.

Officeholder's committee: Discussion of proposed officeholders network bylaws. CCC will draft response to Officeholder's network with specific suggestions for an alternate model. Gray will send letter out and send email that we are working on a response.

Campaign Schools:

Great Lakes school coming up soon! Registration is slow, but folks are planning on coming. Good slate of presenters and officeholders. Juscha will videotape. Chesapeake school is being created now. Mike L and Dan are working on this for Jan. Los Angeles on deck for early 04, no details.Prairie school in March 19-21 in Kansas City, MO. Pacific Northwest in July or Aug. in Portland.

Hiring committee: applications no longer being accepted. Hiring committee received some strong applications and will be interviewing over Thanksgiving weekend.

