Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Minutes of the Coordinated Campaign Committee December 7, 2003

The meeting by conference call convened at 9:07 p.m. EST. Members present: Adrianna Buonarotti, MI; Masada Disenhouse, NY; Dan Kinney, PA; Mike Livingston, MD, recording; Gray Newman, NC, facilitating; Juscha Robinson, WI, co-chair; Roy Williams, TX, co-chair. Tom Sevigny, CT, joined later.

Juscha reported that Susan King and Jeff Cropp would be absent from the call due to their work on the Gonzalez campaign in San Francisco.

The agenda was reviewed and approved by consensus.

The corrected minutes from the regular meeting of October 12 were approved by consensus.

The draft minutes from the regular meeting of November 9 were referred to the committee for consideration by e-mail.

Masada reported on behalf of the Resources Subcommittee, which is collecting feedback on proposed plans for 2004 as circulated to the CCC e-mail list. Mike submitted a draft of the revised application to the subcommittee.

Tom joined the call and was welcomed by the co-chairs as a new member of the committee.

Mike reported on the Chesapeake Campaign School, which will be making a small funding request to the CCC in the next few weeks.

Adrianna reported on the Great Lakes Campaign School, which was successful and well-organized by the host parties and which drew approximately 60 participants.

Masada reported on the CCC strategic planning process. Committee members had volunteered for major tasks, but many smaller tasks remain unassigned. Areas of responsibility include:
Juscha and Adrianna - State Associates program
Juscha and Mike - staff oversight
Masada, Gray, Jeff, Dan and Mike - Resources Subcommittee
Juscha and Tom - Ballot Access Working Group
Susan and Tom - Presidential Campaign Support Committee
Juscha, Gray and Adrianna - database
Masada will circulate an updated list of tasks and volunteers.

I[USGP-ccc] draft minutes 1270.ems t was noted that we will have one official representative to the PCSC and it was informally agreed that we will name one on our next regular conference call.

Masada circulated a list of proposed updates to the CCC web site, mostly minor corrections. It was noted that there is a link to the Lavender Greens Caucus on the CCC site and no other links to comparable organizations; Masada reported that the caucus had endorsed a slate of candidates in  November 2003 elections. Juscha noted that links of this nature are appropriate as long as they are current. It was resolved without objection that the link will be removed because it is not timely and that future slate cards issued by Green caucuses can be handled the same way.

Juscha reported on behalf of the BAWG. The BAWG mentors met by conference call last week. Also, the BAWG presented a workshop at the Great Lakes Campaign School and drew participants from Illinois and Ohio.

Gray reported that the Coordinating Committee will open discussion tomorrow on the proposed bylaws of the Green Officeholders Network. The draft bylaws would create a nonvoting member of the CCC representing the  Network.  Members of the CCC expressed concern about this, and reached consensus that the CCC did not approve the proposal in its current form. The CCC members will draft an amendment to the proposal. Gray noted that he is a member of the GEON. No member of the CCC expressed any concerns about a possible conflict of interest.

Juscha reported that the revised 2004 budget being forwarded from the Finance Committee to the Steering Committee reduces the CCC line item to $10,000. If approved by the SC, the budget will go to the CC for adoption, and the CCC can challenge the allocation at that time. The employment contract with the Political Director will protect the employer in the event of failure to fund the payroll.

Juscha reported that the European Federation of Green Parties is launching an exchange program, Manoverde (Green Hand), and inviting U.S. Greens to work on EU campaigns in the Spring 200[USGP-ccc] draft minutes 1270.ems 4 elections. Tom will contact Annie Goeke to let the International Committee know that the CCC is interested.

Mike left the call at 10:20 EST after Gray volunteered to record the remainder of the call.

Gray takes over

We went into "executive session" to discuss the hiring of the new political director. Dan left the call due to being a candidate for this position.

Call ended at 10:55 EST

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Livingston
Gray Newman