Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Minutes from 12-21-03 Conference Call of the Coordinated Campaign Committee

Attendance:  Jeff Cropp (OR), Mike Livingston (MD), Gray Newman (NC), Adrianna Buonarroti (MI), Roy Williams (TX), Susan King (CA), Tom Sevigny (CT)(facilitator), Juscha Robinson (WI)(notetaker).  Missing:  Masada Disenhouse (NY), Dan Kinney (PA).

The CCC approved minutes from the 12-8-03 call, with few changes.  Juscha will send to CCC for final approval with discussed amendments, then to CC.

Budget:  CCC discussed request from Finance Committee to itemize 2004 budget request ($13,500).  Approved suggested allotment.

Campaign schools:  after several schools, the need for a fiscal agent for handling campaign school related finances has become apparent.  CCC approves idea in spirit, Mike will look into setting this up.

Committee rules: CCC discussed the new requirement for committee rules, recently approved by the CC and written by BRPP.  Tom will draft rules for CCC and submit for next call.

GEON:  CCC discussed pending GEON proposal.  Gray sent out procedural summary to CC today.  CCC will be in discussion with GEON over next weeks over proposal.

Hiring of Political Director:  motion was made and agreed to by consensus to make an offer to Brent McMillan (WA) for the position.  Juscha will inform finalists, including Brent, talk to SC about contract approval, and draft contract.

Resources Subcommittee:  Had meeting via conference call a week ago, wants to commit to spending 75% of money on campaigns raising less than $20K, get more involved with campaigns; will get out revised application and rules asap (Set to be approved by full CCC Jan. 18).  Sent follow-up questions to 2003 funded campaigns to help with evaluation of last cycle.

Volunteers: international campaign volunteer exchange program proposal (with European Federation of Green Parties for their spring elections) has been brought to the attention of CCC.  Tom is following up with International Committee.

Convention:  Mike will follow up with Media Committee on coordinating press conferences with non-presidential candidates.  CCC is planning two-track campaign school for National Convention.  Planning will begin after Chesapeake Bay School in late January.

Strategic Planning:  task assignment remains.  Tabled for next call.

Presidential Campaign Support Committee:  CCC gets one representative on committee.  Susan and Tom express interest.  Will be decided on-line.