Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Conference Call of the Coordinated Campaign Committee

Attendance: Susan King (CA)(facilitator), Jeff Cropp (OR)(notetaker), Gray Newman (NC), Adrianna Buonarroti (MI), Roy Williams (TX), Masada Disenhouse (NY), Juscha Robinson (WI). Missing: Tom Sevigny (CT), Mike Livingston (MD), Dan Kinney (PA).

The CCC approved minutes from the 12/21/03 call with no changes.

Officeholders proposal: Still no resolution - talks about the requested amendment are ongoing. There has been a proposal for a test period until the Milwaukee Convention in June. Several individuals are not satisfied with the proposal. Juscha will speak personally with Mike Feinstein and Kevin McKeown. She will then try to set up a conference call between several members of the CCC and members of the Officeholders Network to resolve the situation.

Strategic Planning: Primary issue remaining on this involves CCC members signing up for specific tasks from the Strategic Planning document compiled by Masada. She also drafted an Excel spreadsheet containing the task lists to make it easier for members to choose items to work on. Jeff will re-send that Excel spreadsheet to the listserve after he finishes typing the minutes.

Committee rules: Tom drafted a good first version, which seemed to be adapted primarily from the committee's bylaws. Juscha expressed concern that she would like to see the rules defined more specifically. She recommends people send feedback to Tom so that he can develop a revised version for review.

Budget: Budget request has been cut even more in an attempt to be conservative about 2004 expenditures. There was no discussion period for committees and the budget request was sent directly to the Coordinating Committee. The budget process should be wrapped up by February 1. The Political Director expenses are non- discretionary and will not be cut unless the Party as a whole has insufficient revenue.

The CCC will have a budget of $3,000 for the first quarter, and will hopefully maintain that for each quarter for a total of $12,000). This is not much less than the previous request, but will complicate the matching fund program.

Proposed CCC budget for 1st Quarter 2004:
Internet: $90
Phone: $160
Photocopying: $100
Chesapeake Campaign School: $300
Ballot Access Working Group: $1000
Matching Funds: $1350

Resource Subcommittee: Still working to revise rules and application for resource allocation/matching funds. Working to get feedback from previous campaigns. The CCC should be able to finalize the rules and application on the next conference call.

Campaign Schools:
Chesapeake - Coming together well. Mike still working on fiscal agent. Prairie - Coming along. Expecting 60-80 Greens in attendance. Los Angeles - Will be held in late spring (April). California GP is self-sufficient, so there will be no request for funds from the CCC.

Manoverde: Tabled until Tom can provide an update.

Presidential Campaign Support Committee: Susan is official representative from the CCC and Tom will try to be involved through Ballot Access Working Group. Committee co-chairs are not automatically included, so Juscha will not be involved.

12/8/03 Minutes: The minutes were re-approved by the CCC after a specific addition was requested by Juscha.

Call length: Susan proposed that we officially shorten CCC conference calls from two hours to 1-1/2 hours, since calls have not been taking the full time recently. Masada suggested that CCC members are not taking on as much work as we should be, and calls would indeed take the full time if we sign up for the remaining tasks from the Strategic Planning list.

Hiring update: The CCC moved into Executive Session for this discussion.