Coordinated Campaign Committee Minutes

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Corrected Minutes from CCC Conference Call January 18, 2004

Present: Adrianna Buonarroti (MI), Jeff Cropp (OR), Dan Kinney (PA), Mike
Livingston (MD), Gray Newman (NC), Juscha Robinson (WI), Masada
Disenhouse (NY). (CCC Members), and Brent (Political Director).

1. Approval of Previous Minutes
Minutes from the Jan. 4, 2004 conference call were approved with the one correction.

2. Welcome to new Political Director Juscha provided details about the start-date of the new Political Director, Brent McMillan. CCC members and Brent introduced themselves.

3. Finish assignment of  tasks/strategic planning CCC reviewed and updated the CCC Strategic Plan / Task List. Masada will update the task chart and send out, along with guidelines for next steps. The next step will be for the leads on each area to prepare goals/timeline/percent effort/etc. and to return to Masada before the next call. Juscha will draft a proposal regarding campaign volunteers/internships for the next call.

4. Workplan for Brent CCC reviewed the draft workplan. Juscha revise draft for next call incorporating suggestions made and discussion from the previous item.

5. Green Officeholders' Network/CCC working group proposal The proposal was reviewed and support expressed. Juscha will continue to participate in discussion with the Officeholders' Network and will keep CCC members updated on this topic.

6. Campaign school update Prairie and Chesapeake Bay Campaign Schools were reported as progressing well.

7. Revised Application and Rules for resources subcommittee CCC reviewed proposed revised rules for the Campaign Targeting and Matching Funds Programs and approved the revised rules in spirit. Masada will put out a clean version with the requested clarification and will solicit the group for any minor edits by email. CCC reviewed the proposed revised application and came to agreement on changes. Mike will send out a revised application with the changes incorporated for group approval by email. Resources Subcommittee will discuss and ensure appropriate distribution of the new program application and rules.

8. Synergy with other committees CCC discussed how well the CCC works and communicates with other committees and also internally. The group agreed to work to improve communications internally with other committees. There was a suggestion to reserve time on some calls for discussion of committee's internal functioning; discussion of items not part of the current workplan; etc. A trial run will occur on the Feb 15th call, lead by Adrianna.

9. Miscellaneous The group agreed to postpone the next call from Feb 1st to Feb 8th due to the presence of so many CCC members at the Chesapeake Bay Campaign School occurring that day. The following call will take place as already scheduled on Feb 15th.