Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Attending: Masada Disenhouse (facilitator), Gray Newman (notes), Jeff Cropp,  Adrianna Buonarotti, Brent McMillian, Juscha Robinson, Roy Williams, Dan Kinney,  Susan King.

1) Political Director (PD) Report: working on:timelines and tasks, getting debate tapes out, outreach in Tn, SD, and  Ky., getting Kansas list for a mailing. Scott McClarty working on press release on hire of PD New email is asked about cellphone, CCC agreed that cellphone expense is valid PD expense a weekly PD conference call has started PD agreed to send out report before CCC conference calls

2) Campaign Schools: Milwaukee Convention school Look at past schools, use a best of approach Topics - Fundraising, Media, Field Organizing expecting 100-120 people Los Angeles Will be in April Prairie fundraising letter going out

3) PCSC: Many subcommitties and working groups being formed, debates are moving  along. Ballot access and floor rules are the biggies right now. Susan asked our opinions on several of the issues: IRV vs. Rounds of voting - 3 for IRV, 2 for Rounds having NOTA and No Candidate Option - 3 yes, 3 no, 2 have this as first vote not  as one of the options during candidate voting Nominations from the floor - 3 yes, 2 no Candiate has to agree to be the Green Party nominee - 3 yes, 2 no Should delegates be allowed to carry proxies to the convention - 1 yes, 5 yes but  limited number  Juscha picks up notes  Left over strategic planning: 

* Gray and Juscha will have proposal for volunteer/intern program up by March  14th.  

* Coordinated Congressional Campaign: Brent/Dan/Juscha will be putting together proposal, setting up call with CVD, etc. Within month. * Hotline/consultants – Mike not here; Brent will talk with Mike and put out  some thoughts for the next call. 

* Campaign manual/video – Susan will be putting out list of what needs to be  added/changed before next call, so others can go through manual with that in  mind. By 3/14/04. Will also touch base with Mike about videos. 

* Candidate Recruitment: Jeff and Susan will work something up (by when?).

* Database: need to find out when/if Finance Committee will approve Kendra's  funding. 

Reflection Section: 

Boils down to three questions:

* How do we communicate/operate internally?
* How do we communicate/operate in relation to other committees/the rest of  the Party? 
* How can we improve our product/processes? 

* Ask for feedback from delegates, not assume that whole CCC knows what's  going on/what other committees exist.
* People who are involved in other Green activities could forward material/inform CCC when it seems appropriate. 
* Huge discussions – we should schedule 

3/14/04 call – CCC summer elections (item for conference call)

Closing: What would you have done for the last two hours if we hadn't had a call?

Juscha would have been reading her book.
Adrianna would have been playing with her cats.
Jeff would have called his parents (good boy!) and read a book.
Brent would have been playing computer strategy games (Age of Empire) or reading.
Dan would have been reading about revolution and barricades. 
Susan would have been looking for Clem at the San Francisco Independent film  festival.
Masada would have been reading and improving her mind. 

The first weekly "Brent Call" will be on Thursday at 5 p.m.