Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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CCC Members in attendance:  Mike Livingston (MD), Juscha Robinson (WI), Tom Sevigny (CT), Gray Newman (NC) , Masada Disenhouse (NY), Jeff Cropp (OR), Roy Williams (TX) and Brent McMillan (Political Director). Facilitator:  Mike, Note taker:  Tom

1.  Minutes from last conference call approved by consensus

2.  Staff Report given by Brent:

A.  Discussion of Florida State Associates. Contacted Alan Kobrin, delegate for Florida. Alan suggested a couple of people who would make good state associates: 
1) Kevin Aplin in Gainesville, he is a former campaign manager
2) Tony Stefan of Sarasota he is a former candidate.

B.  Resources subcommittee has received one questionnaire from a former recipient of matching funds.

C.  Web page has been updated with the latest application for matching funds

D.  Presidential debate tapes are now available

E.  Issued press release contradicting Terry McCauliffe's recent statement regarding Greens joining the Democratic Party and had a press conference with AK Senatorial candidate Jim Sykes in D.C.

3.  General discussion about the exact role of the political director in the office.  Specifically, should Brent be routing calls, become a spokesperson and perform other duties outside of his political director role.  Decided to make recommendation to SC regarding Brent's role that would clarify that Brent is to focus on his duties as political director and not have other duties thrust upon him. 

4.  General discussion on fusion candidates.  Decision to "sit on it" at this time and ask states to express their viewpoints on the issue. Fusion states according to Richard Winger: 

Besides New York, fusion is totally legal in all circumstances in Mississippi, South Carolina, Idaho and South Dakota.

And it's legal in Connecticut, except unqualified parties can't participate.  But qualified minor parties can fuse with major parties; or two qualified minor parties can fuse with each other.

Vermont permits fusion for every group except that two qualified major parties can't do it.  But qualified minor parties can do it with major parties.

Massachusetts, California and New Hampshire permit it, except it can only be done by write-in voting in the primaries.

Pennsylvania permits it for certain offices.

And on top of all that, about half the states permit it for president, even though they generally don't realize it. That's because many state anti-fusion laws are worded to put shackles on candidates filing for the primary of more than a single party.  But presidential elector candidates are never chosen by primary.  In all states, they are chosen by party meetings.

5.  Campaign School update - working on Prairie School and looking at potential May dates for a greater Los Angeles School.

6.  BAWG - Consensus to spend $1,000 on ballot access training.  States mentioned where VA, AL, KS, ID, NH, and OH.

7.  PCSC Update - Work continues on developing floor rules for convention. 

8.   General discussion on using the members of Office Holders Network as consultants for campaign schools and other areas of expertise. Currently, there is a proposal before the CC entitled "Creation of a Green Office Holders Network."  The proposal can be found at: 

9.  Masada commented that the CCC was not doing enough to implement the strategic plan, that we need to stay on top of the plan's details. Consensus that future agendas will be structured to reflect the outline of the strategic plan. 

10.  General discussion on volunteers from GPUS web site.  Who should they be forwarded to in the various states and who should perform this task.  Brent, Juscha, and Tom will discuss and develop a procedure.

11.  Juscha reminded everyone that money is available for those who need financial assistance accessing the CCC, i.e. phone bills.  Contact Juscha is you are in need of assistance.