Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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CCC Members in Attendance: Juscha Robinson WI, Grey Newman NC, Masada Disenhouse NY, Jeff Cropp OR, Brent McMillan DC.

Facilitator: Juscha
Notetaker: Brent

1.  Minutes were not presented from last call.

2. CCC Coordination
            a. Web Page
            b. State Associates
Adrianna needs feedback on job description proposal.  Brent to send request for room to hold State Associates meeting to Lynn and Ben.
            c. Database Project Masada and Brent to continue to liaison with the Database Working Group
            e. Transitioning

Mike Livingston was nominated as co-chair for the CCC Resources Subcommittee.  Masada will put something together describing the work with the website.  PD to track subcommittee tasks in order to assist transition.  In preparation for elections an announcement should be sent out with the job description.  Folks email to Brent your names for people to recruit.  Brent will compile list to send to.  We want to develop this list by the next call.  The job description for CCC members needs to be updated.  (For example there was no staff when it was developed.)  Juscha and possibly Susan will work on this.  Juscha will work on a job description for co-chair.

3. Campaign Assistance
            a. Matching funds
Masada still needs to find CCC members to take on 4 campaigns.  Gray will assist Daryl Northrop.  Jeff will assist Bob Kinsey.  Masada will assist Claudia Ellquist.  Emphasize to those who didn't make the deadline why it is important to still submit questionnaire responses. Other benefits include non-monetary resources such as Greensweek and media coverage.  In the next Resources call we need to talk about Media. The Resource Subcommittee will prepare for a committee of the whole decision on funding.

            b. Volunteer recruitment/Green Wave
It was suggested by Masada that we consider having an Intern do follow-up calls.  This is currently done by the PD.
            c. Campaign schools
The Prairie Region Campaign School was a success.  There were approximately 30 participants 4 of which were presenters. 
            d. Hotline/Consultants
Identify skills of respondents and add to Excel list.  Send out Excel list to CCC of respondents. The CCC will do prescreening.  Program start date of April 5th.  The CCC will fill in the holes on areas of expertise.  Each CCC member needs to fill out the intake form.  Make contacts by phone. Brent to change phone message on Hotline.  Perhaps, "to reach the hotline dial 4" also add a comment to solicit sense of urgency.  For example "let us know if you need a one day turn around."  e. Campaign Manual Juscha will send Brent the electronic version of the Appendices for the Campaign Manual. 

4. Subcommittees and reps. to committees
            a. BAWG
Juscha will be traveling to Virginia and Idaho.
            b. PCSC
            c. Officeholders Network
5. Other
            a. Candidate recruitment
CCC to send feedback to Susan.  Perhaps this should be a stand alone document with a reference to it in the Campaign Manual.
            b. Elections database
Now at 180 candidates.  Mike Feinstein will be available to discuss the same weekend Juscha will be in the DC area.
            c. CCC financial assistance follow-up
Roy needs to get a list together of his specific expenses.  There was discussion of how to get a computer to Roy.
            d. Further nominations for co-chair
Nominations closed.  Formalize online in 24 hours.
            e. Approaching Steering Committee about replacement of CCC member.
Juscha will write to the Steering Committee about this.

Tom will facilitate the next meeting.

The next meeting would fall on Easter Sunday so it was postponed to April 18th.  We will resume the every 2 week schedule from that date.