Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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As approved by the CCC on 5/2/04

Present: Masada Disenhouse (NY), Mike Livingston (MD), Tom Sevigny (CT)(facilitator), Gray Newman (NC), Brent McMillan (political director), Juscha Robinson (WI)(notetaker), Jeff Cropp (OR), Susan King (CA).  Adrianna Buonarroti (MI) tried several times but was unable to access the call bridge.

Call began at 8 p.m. CDT

Approval of minutes
* Mike will resend minutes from 3-14-04 for approval on the next call 
* Brent will make a few minor changes in 3-28-04 minutes and resubmit them online.

Web Page
*         Brent will be putting up campaign school documents.

State Associates
* Juscha reported efforts to firm up program, make SA-status more useful.
* Brent reported progress finding contacts in ND
* Committee will consider work presented by Adrianna on the next call

Staff supervision
* Brent and Juscha (and Mike) spent time together in DC in early April.  It was very productive and all feel very positive about it. Especially useful was seeing the office and becoming familiar with Brent's everyday.

Database Project
* Database Working Group is functioning (DAWG), CCC will give input when development has gotten that far.

* Juscha will work on co-chair job description for next call
* Susan will work on updating CCC job description, referencing strategic plan for next call; this job description will be sent to state parties and CC for recruiting candidates for new committee.

Matching funds
* Masada sent draft recommendations
* Recommendation to add points for incumbency: approved
* Recommendation to require references: approved
* Brent has been working on standardized documents to track/process applications
* Recommendations: 7 completed apps, 1 third cycle app
* Ellquist (AZ) - county atty; matching funds approved
* Glassburn (OH) - state rep; other resources approved
* Jacobsen (HI) - county council; matching funds approved (Mike stands aside)
* Kinsey (CO) - US rep; others resources approved
* Lawrence (FL) - county commission; other resources approved
* Northrop (IA) - US Senate; other resources approved
* Toste (RI) - state senate; other resources approved
* Hunter (NJ) - town council; other resources approved; matching funds pending campaign finance assurances

Campus Greens volunteers
* CG Future Focus Institute moved to California in August. This will affect timing of volunteers.
* Vols will be getting credit for campaign work in the fall.

Campaign schools
* LA school - July 31
* Northwest Regional: Portland - August 8-9
* Campus Greens FFI - August
* National Convention School - Friday, June 25; Jeff will work with Susan to have a completed action plan for the next call.

2004 Coordinated Congressional campaigns
* Memo outlining program was sent
* Approved; Brent and Juscha will begin taking steps to carry out plan.

* Campaigns have been calling, responses are timely.
* Brent will follow up with a few callers to get feedback on general usefulness.

Campaign Manual
* Susan wrote recruitment section, which will be a separate handbook.
* Gray will contribute section on materials to 2004 campaign manual.
* Mike has campaign job description pieces
* Brent will have appendices done by next call
* Susan will be doing editing, done by end of May

* Juscha requested that the CCC approve putting out a national call for donations for Georgia ballot drive campaign (to match a large donation); it will be designed and put together by BAWG: approved PCSC
* Susan reported that the PCSC is still primarily occupied with floor rules for the Convention.
* On next call, PCSC will take up other more directly campaign-related issues that may require more direct CCC input/involvement.

Elections database
* Juscha and Brent reported a productive discussion with Mike Feinstein about transferring administrative control of elections database to the CCC.

Greensweek/Greenpages liaison/media committee meeting
* Mike will be working with media and targeted campaigns.
* Juscha will set up call with media committee about messaging and other common issues, involving Brent and Mike.

Budget Amendment
* Brent asked for more salary, to bring him closer to other GPUS employees.
* Masada requested more for campaign schools, to account for as-yet unplanned schools.
* Request approved by CCC
* Juscha will send to finance committee Committee Rules
* Tom and Juscha will talk about minor changes
* CCC will approve online.

Call adjourned at 10:15 p.m. CDT.
Respectfully submitted,
Juscha Robinson