Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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As approved by the CCC on 5/16/04

Present: Adrianna Buonarroti (MI)- facilitator, Gray Newman (NC)- notes, Tom Sevigny (CT), Juscha Robinson (WI), Mike Livingston (MD), Brent McMillan (DC), Masada Disenhouse (NY).

Approved 4/18/04 minutes

CCC Coordination:

Internal CCC rules approved by consensus, will be forwarded to GPUS secretary

Agreed to meet Thursday and Sunday afternoon during the Milwaukee Convention

Adrianna is still looking for comments on the State Associates job description

Adrianna thanked Brent for the great work he is doing for the CCC, there were many seconds.

Brent is working with Susan Dridi and the website manager on the database. They are making good progress on how we handle volunteers.

Current CCC members are recruiting candidates for the CCC elections this summer

Campaign Assistance:

Cedric Hunter check in the mail to assist with staff funding

Still having problems with some states rules on PACs, trial proposal being written with AZ in mind

Future Focus Institute is still being planned by the Campus Greens, will be in CA. in August, Brent and Tom will be working with CG's concerning interns

Convention Campaign school plan is done, looking for presenters

Not much activity on the campaign hotline

Members are asked to send in info for new campaign manual

Brent and Mike will be tabling at the Campaign Institute job fair in DC, will be looking for interns and staff people willing to work for dirt


The BAWG had a call on 5/2/04

Nothing going on with officeholders

Other: Sixty-six new candidates were added to the database, which brings us up to 257 candidates.