Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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As approved by the CCC on 5/30/04

Present: Gray Newman (NC), Mike Livingston (MD), Brent McMillan (DC), Adrianna Buonarroti (MI), Jeff Cropp (OR), Tom Sevigny (CT), Susan King (CA)

Facilitator: Gray
Notetaker: Adrianna


1. Approval of 5/2/04 minutes Minutes approved.

2. CCC Coordination

a. Co-Chair job description (Juscha) Juscha would like to have feedback.

3. Campaign Assistance

Hunter campaign report- Hunter lost but got 28% of the vote in a place where there is no Green Party.

Glassburn campaign- Has requested assistance with their Finance Plan. Policy on releasing donor lists to campaigns. We are negotiating with the Fundraising Committee in regards to this issue.

a. Matching funds

b. Campaign Manual-Recruiting manual is essentially done, but would like examples of candidates that are not from California. Brent is taking this on. Looking for someone to do the cover. Everything to Susan by June 8, ready for edit by June 12, final review by 14th, ready to go to print by 18th. Campaign manuals printed in Milwaukee. We discussed finding a union print shop in Milwaukee.

c. Convention Campaign school Matt Gonzalez, Brenda Konkel,  hoping for Jason West and Natalie Johnson-Lee. How to develop a campaign message and what would you advise candidates not to do, what worked well in your campaign and what didn't. Campaign school should not be open to media because it is necessary to talk about mistakes Greens have made. Should send that message to media committee. Marnie Glickman campaign techniques, FEC requirements for Treasurers Field organizing with Brenda Konkel People of color outreach speaker (Christina Olague) needs help with covering costs ($250) Brent is trying to get enough videographers to catch concurrent sessions. Jeff says 2 should be enough, though three would be fine.

d. Other

4. Subcommittees and reps. to committees

Report to PCSC on overall ballot standings, ballot access alert for Illinois and Georgia. Georgia decided to hold off because they are not sure that we will have a Presidential candidate. Ballot access drives all over the country are suffering.

Floor rules done, endorsement procedure, proposal for vice-presidential nominee selection Series of presidential debates Ballot access

c. Officeholders Network

d. Media Committee
Green Pages has asked for an article about the 10 campaigns that we're supporting in this cycle. Official report that we usually send them? Brent will check with Juscha.

5. Other