Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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As approved by the CCC on 8-15-04

Present: Susan Fawcett (MI), Amy Heart (WI), Jane Hunter (NJ), Brent McMillan (DC), Jason Neville (LA), Juscha Robinson (WI), Tom Sevigny (CT), David Silva (LC), Jen Walling (IL)

Not Present: Ross and Damien

Facilitator: Tom

Notetaker: Brent

1. Introductions

Tom did a recap of the meeting in Milwaukee on Sunday for the benefit of Jason Neville who was not able to make the meeting.

2. CCC Structure and Operations
a. Strategic Planning
Juscha: We began in September to put together the strategic plan. It took 2 ½ months from start to end. It needs to be tweaked once a year.
Jane asked that this be an agenda item for the next call. Perhaps 30 minutes allocated. Jason expressed his interest in this.

b. CCC Coordination
Generally there is a conference call every two weeks. Tom will do an on-line poll for which night works best for everyone. The SC has received an application from Cindy Asrir of Nebraska for the open seat on the CCC. The open seat has to be a woman since gender balance is mandated by the bylaws. We need people to volunteer for facilitation and notetaker typically 10 weeks in advance.

c. Budget & Expenses
Juscha will send out the budget and expenses for 2004 to the whole committee. The current budget is tight. The Co-chairs should definitely be involved. Jane has offered to help.

d. State Associates
Brent sent out the CCC State List 2004 to the whole committee. He also discussed the possibility of a Mentor program that could be developed. How can we help and support Brent. David would like to help with ballot access. Jen has also offered to help. She is a law student. Brent encouraged the CCC to check out the description of the State Associates meeting at Milwaukee in the June PD Report. Jason indicated that it is important for the CCC to encourage SA's to be active organizers. Brent talked about developing the SA's role in the elections database. We have begun regional SA conference calls and talked about the CCC's participation.

e. Staff Supervision
David, Amy and Jane all expressed interest in this. We talked about reformatting the weekly work reports to include a to do list. Juscha offered to go over the 3 month review with the new personnel subcommittee.

f. CCC Webpage
We need a content coordinator. It currently needs updating.

3. Campaign Assistance
a. Resources Subcommittee
The Resources Subcommittee review applications, make recommendations to the whole committee and assign committee liaisons to applicants. The previous CCC had three members with two alternates when there were conflicts of interest. Tom, David and Jen volunteered. Jason and Amy are willing to be alternates.

b. Volunteers and interns
Tom currently receives and distributes Green Wave contacts. Brent does periodic follow-up to see if volunteers are actually being contacted by the states. David, Susan and Jane all expressed interest in this. Brent is working on recruiting Interns to work in the national office.

c. Campaign Schools
The CCC works to identify regions and states that are interested in hosting campaign schools. At the State Associates meeting in Milwaukee it was suggested that the CCC develop a campaign school kit. Jason indicated that the southern states talked a lot at the convention. Perhaps the southeast region could host. Juscha suggested the possibility of smaller mini-regions such as Georgia/Florida. Jen Walling is planning on attending the Future Focus Institute that is hosted by the Campus Greens. It was suggested that she contact Brian Sandberg. Brent encouraged everyone to check out the recent Washington Post analysis of the south. Party Fault Line
Rural areas are often forgotten and need encouragement. We need to get materials up on the web from past campaign schools. Amy Heart volunteered to help. Juscha encouraged that an individual needs to take on responsibility for a region. David is willing to help.

d. Coordinated Congressional Campaign
There have been two conference calls so far. A summary of issues needs to be posted. Encourage new CCC members to check out the 2002 Green Commitment to America available at: There are two congressional list servs that have been set up. One is for announcements and the other is for discussion. We are working towards a joint statement. We will also be working on how to utilize this statement. We are in the process of subscribing members. David and Susan expressed interest.

e. Hotline
This involves responding to calls and emails in regards to specific campaigns. Brent will be interviewing each of the new CCC members for inclusion in the Green Consultants Directory.

f. Campaign Manual/Video
Currently the 3rd edition is available online. This also includes making sure that campaign schools get videotaped and that this footage becomes available for future use. David has film experience. Jason expressed interest in developing the next generation of campaign manual.

4. Subcommittees and representatives
Juscha and Brent will continue on the BAWG. Jason is interested as well.

Tom is interested. Jane is currently active on the PCSC and will continue. We need strong ties between the BAWG and the PCSC. Brent has been active on specific projects and will continue to be available to do so.

c. Green Officeholders Liaison
We have worked up and approved a proposal to assist the electeds that are up for re-election. More and more we see where are elected officials are being targeted when they go up for re-election. Susan and David are interested. Ross?

Jane would like to be the Liaison.

5. Other
a. Candidate Recruitment
David said that he heard good things at the convention about the work here. The CCC just released a companion to the Campaign Manual, the Candidate Recruiting Manual which is now available on-line at:

We need to reach out to the identity caucuses. How do we track diversity in the party? There was discussion at the convention about developing a support group for women candidates. How might the CCC work with this new group? Jen talked about how the youth caucus is also talking about candidates running. Amy talked about how we could work with the State Associates on candidate recruiting and about how this might be tied to the development of a mentor's program.

b. Elections database
Brent is working with Mike Feinstein and Kendra Markle. Jane Hunter volunteered.

c. Reporting to the CC
Co-Chairs, Jason and Brent. This includes posting minutes, the annual report and possibly a monthly report to the CC. Anyone involved with this needs to be on the national list since this also includes responding to issues on the national list.

d. Media Comm Liaison
Tom, Jane and Jason all expressed interest. Jane is currently on the Media Committee. Brent emphasized the need for responding in a timely fashion so that you don't lose the opportunity. Jane talked about the process for developing draft media releases.

Tom will put out a call to the entire committee for who is interested in being a Co-chair. Tom and Amy will continue as temporary Co-chairs for now. Juscha indicated that two is plenty. She also suggested that we put off the selection for a couple of calls to see who shows up to actually work.

Brent asked for permission to pursue a lead on Ballot Access in Kentucky. Support was given.

Juscha talked about the yahoo groups list.

The meeting was adjourned.

Not Present: Damien and Ross

Facilitator: Tom

Notetaker: Brent

2.I.b.* Campaign Schools

(Juscha was on the call for a short time so we began with the Pennsylvania Campaign School.)

They are fairly flexible for the state. It would be possible to bring in one or a few presenters. There is a possibility of funds from GPoPA. The contact there is Robert. Juscha is willing to help out. This is doable. Mike Livingston said he would help. Amy is willing to help. Jane is willing to do a Media presentation. Brent will scan past Campaign School outlines/material into jpg format and post. Amy is willing to get with Robert and find out what they are looking for. Jane is willing to do OCR and editing of the Campaign School material.

3.a. BAWG

Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia will need help. Amy will call Tyler about Missouri. Currently the big push is in Pennsylvania. We need to schedule a BAWG call.

3.b. PCSC

PCSC call is Tuesday night.

1.d. State Associates

Contact Brent off list about interest in assisting state associates. Jason would like to help with the Southern calls. Jason will send Brent the list of the 13 states involved in the Southern State Network. Brent will begin work on setting up a Great Lakes Region call.

1.f. CCC Webpage

The contact info has been updated.

Brent will work to post the Campaign School materials without links for now for review. Jane asked if Brent could set up a place off list to go to get the latest ballot access info and the State List info.

2.I.a Resources Subcommittee

The CCC has decided to extend the deadline for the 2nd cycle to August 1st. Brent will post a notice widely on Monday. We need to set up a conference call for the week of Aug. 1 to assign CCC members to campaigns. Tom will organize the call.

2.I.c. Campaign Schools (revisited)

Jen asked if the CCC could become more involved next year in the planning of the Future Focus Institute. Jen is willing to be the liaison to the Campus Greens. They're have been problems with the contacts in Davis. There have been questions of who was responsible for notifying potential campaign school attendees.

2.I.d Coordinated Congressional Campaign

The third Conference Call was held on Wednesday, July 14. The next call is scheduled for July 28th. The GCCC is working to develop the joint statement in time for the next issue of Green Pages. The congressional list servs are up and running.

3.b. PCSC (revisited)

Jane will follow-up with Dean on the Joint Fundraising issue. Dean has done a lot of research on this. The PCSC is working on crafting the message for this years campaign. They will coordinate with the statement being developed for the Coordinated Congressional Campaign.

Green Office Liaison

Amy is willing to do this. She will check in with Kevin McKeown.

4.e. Assist Media Committee

They have requested that we develop a list of candidates to look out for. Send your suggestions to Brent. Jane is gathering information from the Congressional Candidates on their focus areas for use in future national press releases. Brent to send request for information toe the Congressional Candidates in this regard.

Fundraising Committee Requests

Tom will call Kara.

The meeting was adjourned.
* The numbers at the beginning of agenda items are consistent with Strategic Plan designations.