Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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As approved by the CCC on 8-15-04

Present: Susan Fawcett (MI), Amy Heart (WI), Jane Hunter (NJ), Brent McMillan (DC), Jason Neville (LA), Juscha Robinson (WI), David Silva (CA), Tom Sevigny (CT), Jen Walling (IL)

Not Present: Damien and Ross

Facilitator: Tom

Notetaker: Brent

2.I.b.* Campaign Schools

(Juscha was on the call for a short time so we began with the Pennsylvania Campaign School.)

They are fairly flexible for the state. It would be possible to bring in one or a few presenters. There is a possibility of funds from GPoPA. The contact there is Robert. Juscha is willing to help out. This is doable. Mike Livingston said he would help. Amy is willing to help. Jane is willing to do a Media presentation. Brent will scan past Campaign School outlines/material into jpg format and post. Amy is willing to get with Robert and find out what they are looking for. Jane is willing to do OCR and editing of the Campaign School material.

3.a. BAWG

Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia will need help. Amy will call Tyler about Missouri. Currently the big push is in Pennsylvania. We need to schedule a BAWG call.

3.b. PCSC

PCSC call is Tuesday night.

1.d. State Associates

Contact Brent off list about interest in assisting state associates. Jason would like to help with the Southern calls. Jason will send Brent the list of the 13 states involved in the Southern State Network. Brent will begin work on setting up a Great Lakes Region call.

1.f. CCC Webpage

The contact info has been updated.

Brent will work to post the Campaign School materials without links for now for review. Jane asked if Brent could set up a place off list to go to get the latest ballot access info and the State List info.

2.I.a Resources Subcommittee

The CCC has decided to extend the deadline for the 2nd cycle to August 1st. Brent will post a notice widely on Monday. We need to set up a conference call for the week of Aug. 1 to assign CCC members to campaigns. Tom will organize the call.

2.I.c. Campaign Schools (revisited)

Jen asked if the CCC could become more involved next year in the planning of the Future Focus Institute. Jen is willing to be the liaison to the Campus Greens. They're have been problems with the contacts in Davis. There have been questions of who was responsible for notifying potential campaign school attendees.

2.I.d Coordinated Congressional Campaign

The third Conference Call was held on Wednesday, July 14. The next call is scheduled for July 28th. The GCCC is working to develop the joint statement in time for the next issue of Green Pages. The congressional list servs are up and running.

3.b. PCSC (revisited)

Jane will follow-up with Dean on the Joint Fundraising issue. Dean has done a lot of research on this. The PCSC is working on crafting the message for this years campaign. They will coordinate with the statement being developed for the Coordinated Congressional Campaign.

Green Office Liaison

Amy is willing to do this. She will check in with Kevin McKeown.

4.e. Assist Media Committee

They have requested that we develop a list of candidates to look out for. Send your suggestions to Brent. Jane is gathering information from the Congressional Candidates on their focus areas for use in future national press releases. Brent to send request for information toe the Congressional Candidates in this regard.

Fundraising Committee Requests

Tom will call Kara.

The meeting was adjourned.
* The numbers at the beginning of agenda items are consistent with Strategic Plan designations.