Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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As approved by the CCC on 8-15-04

Present Jen Walling (IL) , Jason Neville (LA), Gray Newman (NC), Tom Sevigny (CT), Juscha Robinson (WI), Amy Heart (WI), Susan Fawcett (MI)

Absent: Brent, Jane, David

Facilitator: Tom

Notetaker: Jason

1. Introductions

CCC Structure and operations

1. State associates-Great Lakes Regional Call Aug 6, 6PM (CST) using CCC call-in info, Development of Southern States underway (Brent and Jason talking)

Campaign Assistance

1. Resources subcommittee
a. Schedule conference call-Tom, Jen, David, Amy, Jason Aug 8th 8PM CST Call In
b. Financial situation-Tom emailed Jake to ascertain budget; we have $14,000 in budget-but not sure if that full amount will be available. FinCom/SC needs a ballpark figure on how much we plan to spend in this cycle so they can plan ahead. Assigning liaisons to be done at 8/8 subcommittee call. Tom will give FinCom/SC a ballpark of $10,000.00

2. Campaign schools-Amy reports that the Pennsylvania Campaign School 8/21-22, part of state gathering weekend for fall candidates (approx. 30). Possible requests from certain candidates for travel/supply reimbursements. Great Lakes Regional call and other regional calls to plan for future campaign schools.

3. Coordinated Congressional Campaign-Brent was frustrated that no one from CCC called on the Congressional Campaign call. Gray was on call (+Starlene, David, Terry Baum, MN candidate for Cong., Mark Samson and Susan Faucett) and not much was accomplished. Tom suggested that a Nader endorsement proposal somewhat sidetracked the meeting. Juscha suggested finding key points for all Congressional candidates to focus on. David and Juscha propose moving forward with "Shadow Congress" idea.


1. BAWG-GP will be on at least 31 states; a number of states have managed to meet deadlines for write-ins. Update from BAWG shortly. Call scheduled for Wed/9PMEST (805-620-4000 / 225568#)

2. PCSC-Jason mentions that as Field Director for Cobb/LaMarche team, he will be engaging in overlapping activities with the PCSC. Juscha reminds CCC that the PCSC exists for that exact purpose-use it! David reported favorable about Cobb events and media hits in Fresno

3. Campus Greens-CG plans on voting to join GPUS at Convention (exact format [caucus/network/committee/etc] is still in the air). Youth Caucus is compiling list of candidates under 30. Brent plans to provide info to YC in that regard. Jen didn't know exactly how many people are planning to attend. Jen expressed interest in Amy's suggestion that the under-30 candidates develop press release. Jen also suggested that electoral success in school/campus elections be considered in tallies of GP successes.


1. Media-Brent is in process of compiling list of "races to watch" for media committee to develop press releases.
2. Political Director-Tom and Juscha reported that Brent is doing a good job (and working overtime) of juggling the different currently of on-going activities. Brent has been doing time logs and is in contact with Tom about twice a week with Amy and Tom each.
3. Vacancies Update-One applicant thus far. Juscha recommends that SC reserve two open positions for person of color. Deadline mid-August.