Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Those in Attendance: Tom Sevigny (CT), Amy Heart (WI), Jane Hunter (NJ), David Silva (CA), Jason Neville (LA), Juscha Robinson (WI), Brent McMillan (DC), Gray Newman (NC)

Absent: Ross, Jen, Susan

Facilitator: Tom

Notetaker: Brent

1. Introductions/Approval of minutes

Amy and Tom to check in with Ross.

Minutes were approved from 7/1/04, 7/18/04 and 8/6/04

2. CCC Structure and operations

2.a. State Associates

The Great Lakes Region Conference call on Friday, August 6th was a bust. Not one state associate attended. We are going to try again for the first full week of September. This time Jen and Amy will do follow-up calls after the email announcement to make sure that all Great Lakes Region State Associates are aware of the call. Brent and Jason will start working on a Southern States Call for after NYC.

2.b. CCC webpage

Phone number contacts will be added for the Co-Chairs on the contact page for the CCC.

A link will be added from the new Ballot Status page to the CCC home page.

3. Campaign Assistance

3.a. Resources Subcommittee

There are 43 applications for consideration. It is the reviewers responsibility to ask for information that is missing from the application. We have templates available for budget, campaign plan, etc. for those who need them. The next CCC Resources Subcommittee Conference call is scheduled for Sunday, August 22, at 8:00 PM Central. The full CCC will review the Resource Subcommittee recommendations on Sunday, August 29th.

Brent will draft a notice to the State Associates about use of the Questionnaire by the states. (It is encouraged.) 

3.b. Campaign Schools

There will be a conference call on Monday, August 16 in preparation for the Pennsylvania Campaign School. The school will be held for one day on Saturday, August 21st in York.

3.c. Coordinated Congressional Campaign

Brent to send draft of Unity Statement to Co-Chairs for approval.

4. Subcommittee

4.a. BAWG

Brent presented a summary of state that are in play for ballot access.

4.b. PCSC

A small group at this point, but developing. Jane is the CCC rep to the PCSC. She missed the last couple of meetings due to travel schedule.

4.c. Campus Greens

Their national meeting is occurring in California at this time. CCC member Jen Walling is attending.

5. Other

5.a. Elections database

Currently at 389 candidates. Brent has been linking election site URL's to candidates in preparation for Election Night. Juscha suggested that this is too much work for one person and that it needs to be broken up into a team. 

We are beginning to develop an Election Night Plan and for shortly thereafter. In past cycles each CCC volunteer had 10 states they were responsible for. There were probably 15 state associates involved. The site crashed in 2002 when several people accessed the site at the same time. Since then Kendra Markle made corrections so that won't happen again.

Plan for run up to Election Night:
1) Get Passwords.
2) Develop team
3) Assign States

On Election Night at around 11:00 PM to Midnight post results. Then check for morning straggler results and update. Come back several days later to post certified results and link with URL if available. This will be put on the agenda for the next Conference Call for further development.

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Submitted by:

Brent McMillan, Political Director
Green Party of the United States