Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Those in Attendance: Cindy Asrir (NE), Jane Hunter (NJ), Brent McMillan (DC), Tom Sevigny (CT), David Silva (CA), Rob Tufts (MD), Jen Walling (IL)

Absent: Amy, Jason, Ross, Susan

Facilitator: David Silva

Notetaker: Jen Walling

1. Introductions/acceptance of minutes
David, Jen, Brent, Tom, Cindy, Rob, Jane
Cindy Asrir and Rob Tufts are new members. Cindy is from Nebraska, Rob from Maryland. Welcome! 2. CCC Structure and operations a. Initiation for new committee members Cindy Asrir and Rob Tufts Tom - We have various subcommittees and different areas that new members might want to concentrate on. Tom will send out the descriptions of the committees to Cindy and Rob Brent - Send Cindy and Rob the strategic plan. Brent says that the CCC is one of the best organized committees in the party
b. State Associates
Brent - Preparing for the Great Lakes call. Amy and Jen need to contact all of the state associates. Brent talked to Fred Depies.
***Jen can make calls. Jen will talk to Amy about the State Associates and break it up.
David - Should we invite candidates?
Brent - probably not... A lot of the state associates don't know each other yet.
Brent - State Associate is a conduit from the candidates to the CCC. Might help with election returns, make sure that databases are up to date, make sure that candidates are aware what the CCC has to offer.
New York and DC don't have a State Associate right now. State Associate needs to be approved by their state.
Brent - spoke to Adam Eidinger and Maya O'Connor from DC... we need a State Associate.
***Cindy will speak to person who is running for city council in DC

c. Staff Supervision

Brent - there was nobody on the call this week for staff supervision.
Utah situation - Brent has been talking with the officers. When Brent spoke with Linda and Jerry Parsons in July and they made it clear that they would do everything in their power to keep Cobb/LaMarche off the ballot in Utah. Peter Camejo spoke to the Coordinating Committee for GPU on August 1st. Jerry Parsons, the State Liaison for the Green Party of Utah certified Nader/Camejo as the candidates for the Green Party without the support of the membership. There was such as angry outcry that he decertified them as the candidates.

Further Discussion about Utah and the Cobb campaign

3. Campaign Assistance
a. Report from Resources subcommittee
- Met Thursday
- Tom - 43 total applications
- Patrick Driscoll - 100
- Michele Tingling Clemmons - 500
- Adam Eidinger - 500
- Bob Kinsey - 100
- Susan Rodgers and Zach Miller - 250
- Renee Saucedo - 100
- Carolina Johnson - 250
- Jeff Toste - 250
- Claudia Ellquist - 350
- Joyce Chen - 250
- Tony Palmeri - 250

Cindy - Clarification about funding
Jen - We try to give 75% to smaller budget races
Rob - Were there any Maryland candidates?
Brent - No.
Jane - Were there any campaigns that were cut off because Congressional Candidates were given money?
Tom - No. We just decided which were the best.
Brent explains the process that we're going through. First cycle - 9 applicants (only one woman). This cycle - 40+ candidates. Brent actively went after candidates to apply for support.
Donor lists, media profile,
Tom - Total - around $3000 or so.
David - Maybe we should be giving money to Audrey Thayer
Brent - there are templates of fundraising
David - Clarifying questions
Brent - Clarifying - If we do get any money it goes to Claudia Ellquist David - Report is approved by consensus

b. Campaign schools
Brent - report from Pennsylvania. York, Pennsylvania. Scott and Brent drove up. Brent gave a workshop entitled "Recipe for a Successful Campaign."
***Brent will send that web address to Rob and Cindy. Scott presented everything on the media side. Brent and Scott did one on one counseling for specific campaigns. Brought up and left two copies of the campaign manual. Brought materials from the Cobb/LaMarche campaign.

C. Coordinated Congressional Campaign
Brent - we just put out the 2004 Unity statement. We need to put up some sort of phone call campaign to get other candidates to sign the Unity statement. In 2002, each campaign contributed $25 and then put an ad in the progressive review. Campaigns are also free to put it in their literature. Helps to present a unified front as to where campaigns stand for.

If there are people who want to participate, please let Brent know.
David - seems the problem has been participation. David will call candidates in the Southwest.
Brent - there are around 60 congressional candidates. 12 in California.
Cindy will help to call people. When's the next call?
Brent - there is no regular schedule for them.
***Cindy will call Midwest and Great Plains, David will call Southwest. Rob will call Maryland about Unity Statement Dates - Have candidates vote on which date - Brent will offer several dates on the 15th and 16th.

4. Subcommittees
a. BAWG -
Brent - Two active petition drives - Kentucky and Alabama. Both states September 6th. Vermont - we're not doing anything there.
b. PCSC -
Jane - Nothing to report
c. Campus Greens
National Campus Greens Convention - Low turn out, Aug. 12-15 in Davis

5. Other
a. Media Committee
Jane - Media Committee is in need of quotes from candidates. Candidates should pay attention to e-mail Brent - list of campaigns to watch out for.
Brent - resources subcommittee follow up
*** Tom will make a formal request to the sc.

Brent will work with each of the candidates. The candidates that haven't gotten any funding will be told that. The candidates who will be getting funding will be told their under consideration.