Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Those in Attendance: Cindy Asrir (NE), Susan Fawcett (MI), Amy Heart (WI), David Silva (CA), Brent McMillan (DC), Gray Newman (NC), Rob Tufts (MD), Jen Walling (IL)

Absent: Jane, Jason, Ross, Tom

Facilitator: Amy

Notetaker: Brent

1. Introductions/Approval of minutes

Jen will submit revised meeting minutes for 8-29-04

2. CCC Structure and operations

2.a. State Associates

Great Lakes Call:

Jen and Amy will get together after call to discuss.

Plan for run up to Election Night:
1) Get Passwords.
2) Develop team
3) Assign States
Mentors contact your state associates.
Brent will send out brief instructions.

2.b. Staff Supervision

Jane and Susan were on the call last Thursday. There is some confusion about the time of the call. It is Thursdays at 5:00 PM Eastern.

3. Campaign Assistance

3.a. Resources Subcommittee

Money has been approved by the SC and will be released as available. If you were a reviewer go back and look at each questionnaire for what is asked.

3.b. Campaign Schools

No actions at this time.

3.c. Coordinated Congressional Campaign

There will be a call on Wednesday, Sept. 15th at 9:00 PM Eastern. We divided up the calls to those candidates that have yet to sign onto the 2004 Unity Statement. Brent will send out list of who has committed to what. We will be working towards a press release after the Wednesday call. Brent will work to get the webpage up and running before the Wednesday call.

4. Subcommittees

4.a. BAWG

The work of the BAWG is winding down for this election season. The Green Party of Utah is actively involved in a lawsuit to get the national candidates on the ballot. West Virginia is running a write-in campaign for Cobb/LaMarche.

Discussions have begun on strategic planning for the next four year cycle.
Rob indicated that the Green Party of Maryland is forming its effort for ballot access in 2006.

4.b. PCSC

Gray: Jody and Marc are in the process of getting the committee back up and running.

Brent has been working with Pat LaMarche in regards to the "Left out Tour."

4.c. Campus Greens

The Steering Committee will be meeting with representatives in DC next weekend. Brent will report back. There is discussion going on about hosting two interns for the Campus Greens in the national office.

5. Other

5.a. Media Committee

We will be working with the Media Committee on Monday on the Press Release for the candidates that the CCC is supporting in this cycle.

We will be begin working on a Press Release for the 2004 Unity Statement after the Wednesday call.

5.b. Assisting with Fundraising

Jen will write an article for Green Line on the current activities of the CCC.

Gray and Brent are working with Kara on a testimonial.

Future efforts:

The CCC will be soliciting donor lists from candidates after Nov. 2nd. Brent will draft letters for this.

We talked about tracking appointments in the Elections Database.

Rob was vetted by his state committee today.