Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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Those in Attendance: Cindy Asrir (NE), Susan Fawcett (MI), Amy Heart (WI), Jane Hunter (NJ), Brent McMillan (DC), David Silva (LC), Rob Tufts (MD)

Absent: Jason, Jen, Ross, Tom

Facilitator: Amy

Notetaker: Brent

1. Introductions and Acceptance of Minutes:

Minutes were accepted for 9-26-04

2. CCC Structure and operations
- Election night preparations
CCC members accepted remaining mentor assignments
Action Item:
Brent to post updated CCC State List with this new information.

When mentors talk with SA's make these points:
Confirm Elections Database info for your state.
Need number of votes.
Need Percentage of the total vote.
Need to follow up when results are certified.

Action Item:
Brent to get with Mike Feinstein about the history of how we recorded the percentage of the vote when there are multiple seats in the same race.

We also discussed getting information to Scott McLarty on election night.

Action Item:
CCC members to send info on Debates to Brent for Press Release by Tuesday, October 12th.

3. Campaign Assistance
- Resources subcommittee
Volunteer lists and Donor lists have gone out.

- Coordinated Congressional Campaign

Action Item:
Brent to set up a call for the GCCC after Nov. 2nd.

4. Subcommittees
Hugh Esco (GA) has brought to our attention that Nan Garrett purchase two domain names in 2002, and that national may want to take over. Apparently this issue has come up before. Nan had offered to do this and there was no response from national. Brent forwarded the current request to the BAWG and to National Secretary Greg Gerritt. Greg suggested that Brent forwarded this request to Finance.

Action Item:
Brent to forward the request for purchasing the domain names to the GPUS Finance Committee.

- Campus Greens
Recently Kirsten Powers from the Campus Greens visited the national office. Staff discussed the details of Campus Greens Interns working out of the national office. Kirsten agreed to look into the legalities.

5. Other
- Media Committee liaison
- Office Holders Network
A letter needs to go out to new officeholders. It should include making them aware of the Office Holders Network. It should include asking for when their term of office begins and the length of the term.
Perhaps when the solicitation for Donor Lists is sent out this information could be in the same letter.
- Post Election Strategy
Action Item:
Susan will draft a set of questions to candidates for after the election cycle. We will compile responses and send to State Associates.

Jane: We need to direct a similar set of questions to State Committees inregards to their vetting process that we send to candidates.

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