Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee
Conference Call
Sunday, October 24
9 pm


1. Those in Attendance: Jo Chamberlain (CA), Amy Heart (WI), Brent McMillan (DC), Gray Newman (NC), Tom Sevigny (CT), Rob Tufts (MD)

Facilitator: Amy

Notetaker: Amy

2. Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from both October 10 and this meeting (Oct 24) will be approved at the next meeting.

3. CC Structure and Operations

Election night preparations: There still seems to be some confusion about what the mentors should be asking the state associates to prepare for. Rob gave an update on the state associates that he contacted. Amy will send out an email outlining again what needs to be asked: whether the listing on is correct, to make sure the associate will email results (number and %) of the elections, and the urls for any websites they use to get the information. Gray suggested that we need to make sure that the states that need to have the password (MI and ME) get it. That needs to happen right away.

Post Election Strategy: Brent put together draft letters that will be sent to all the green candidates after the election. Amy and Brent will update these letters and send out the final draft. For those candidates who won, the letter may include some information about the Green Office Holders Network. The CCC will review these at the next meeting, with the plan to send them out soon after. Gray suggested to double check with the fundraising and finance committees to make sure this is coordinated and that candidate don't receive lots of mailings from the national party.

Great Lakes Call: Jen and Amy are planning the call for Tuesday, November 9 at 8 pm (central). More details will be sent out this week. All CCC members are welcome to be on the call.

4. Campaign Assistance

Resources subcommittee: nothing new to report

Coordinated Congressional Campaign: Brent reported that more donations have come in, and he is making some calls for additional pledges. We are close to covering the cost of the ad.

6. Subcommittees

BAWG: Essentially this committee is Inactive until after the election. They hope to then start developing a strategy for ballot access in the upcoming elections. 

PCSC: Not active

Campus Greens: The ball is in their court. They are doing their homework to try to get interns in the national Green office.

7. Other

Media Committee liaison: Brent talked to Jane earlier this week about help needed for election coverage. She, as well as others, needs to be active on election night and a few days after, to help get the results out. Brent will have the info and data, but he wants some help to put together some write-ups and releases.