Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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CCC Minutes


Those in Attendance: Jo Chamberlain (CA), Susan Fawcett (MI), Brent McMillan (DC), Tom Sevigny (CT), Rob Tuft (MD), Jennifer Walling (IL)

Absent: Amy, David, Cindy, Jane, Jason, Ross

Facilitator: Tom

Notetaker: Brent

1. Introductions/acceptance of minutes from October 24th and October 10th

2. Election Wrap Up
a. Review of results and next steps:
Need spreadsheet and statistics on home page of results.
On November 2nd we won 14 of 20 re-election campaigns. For the year we have won 28 of 36 re-election campaigns. Our re-elections rate for the year is: 78%. On November 2nd we elected 20 new office holders. We have elected 36 for the year. We know of 34 wins on November 2nd so far. Our total for election wins is 64 for the year.

3. Election Follow-up
a. Letters:
Susan Fawcett submitted a draft of letter to be reviewed. CCC members to review by next Sunday's conference call. This letter is to be sent out the week after to the State Associates
b. Other:
Jo formerly requested on behalf of the SC that Brent put time in over the next 30 days to solicit donor lists from the candidates who ran this year in order to do a one time mail solicitation for contributions to national. Brent will contact the candidates by email or snail mail and do a phone follow-up.

4. CCC Structure and operations
a. State Associates:

b. Regional calls
Jen reported that she and Amy were working towards a Great Lakes Region Conference call to be held on November 19th.

c. Membership on this committee:
Jo indicated that Ross maybe submitting his resignation to the CCC soon. Ross is waiting on his certification as the winner of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors race. He has been busy campaigning and has not attended CCC calls. Jo was unsure if California will be selecting a possible replacement.

5. Campaign Assistance

a. Resources subcommittee - any loose ends?
Jen has ideas about what to ad and subtract to the application. Any proposed changes will have to be submitted by the beginning of December.

b. Campaign Schools
Brent reported that DC voted on Thursday, November 4th to work towards a Campaign Strategy Workshop for January. They just formed a Campaigns Working Group which will be meeting soon to begin planning. More details to follow. Also, Jody Haug asked on behalf of the Green Party of Washington State to get a response from the CCC on what they would have to offer to help put together a campaign school in Seattle in February.
c. Coordinated Congressional Campaign:
Brent reported that we have received $2,345.24 in contributions for the ad in The Nation. We have over 100% in pledges. The bill of $2,977 is due 11/24/04. The CCC agreed to give people a week to rest from the election and then pursue raising the rest of the money. We will be putting together a post-election conference call.

d. Strategic Planning:
We will be holding a strategic planning call next Sunday, November 14th. Tom will send out a copy of the CCC task list and the Strategic plan in advance.

6. Subcommittees
Several states will loose ballot status after this election. They include Montana, Minnesota, Rhode Island and Utah. There may be more. GPU is already planning their petition drive and will be starting shortly.

There needs to be a post election analysis of the role that the PCSC played and how it can be improved.

c. Campus Greens
Jen reported that GPUS Accountant Doug Malkan had not returned her calls. The Campus Greens are currently working on forming a board for the 527 organization. We discussed setting up a list serv for the 527 wing of the Campus Greens. By doing so we are contributing to the Campus Greens. Brent will assist Jen in getting this accomplished.

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