Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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CC Meeting Minutes


Those in Attendance: Cindy Asrir (NE), Jo Chamberlain (CA), Susan Fawcett (MI), Amy Heart (WI), Jane Hunter (NJ), Brent McMillan (DC), Tom Sevigny (CT), Rob Tufts (MD), Jen Walling (IL)

Facilitator: Tom

Notetaker: Brent

1) Fundraising:

Jo: The Fiscal Policy that we are developing does allow committees and caucuses directly to fundraise.

Jen is interested in developing this idea for the CCC.

In the budget proposed for 2005 there is no money for the matching funds program in Tier one.

Tier two has a budget of $3,000 for the CCC, Tier three 4,000 and Tier four 6,000.

The staff position of Political Director is a part of the budget with $50 per month in office expenses and $80 per month in phone expenses.

Matt Gonzalez is setting up a law firm with a friend. He is planning on setting aside money for candidates.
Action item: Tom to draft letter to Matt. Jen will assist.

2) State Associates:

We discussed the continued development of the regional calls. There was a suggestion to develop a map in time of the regions as they develop. Emerging regions include:

The Pacific Northwest - Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho paired with Montana and Wyoming. Alaska and Hawaii are very remote but might be attached to the Pacific Northwest

The Great Lakes Region - Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan paired with Pennsylvania and Iowa.

The Chesapeake Region - Virginia, DC, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey.

The Prairie Region - Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa (also GLR), Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois (also GLR)

The Southwest - Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah

The South - Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and (Kentucky?)

The Northeast - Maine, Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

This is far from perfect yet. They are several states that we might consider pairing such as South and North Dakota with Minnesota.

3) Staff Supervision: There was discussion about finding a time that more people could make. More input welcome.

4) Maintaining webpage:

Adding new Templates - Ask candidates for samples of various publications for examples. This might include, yard signs, appeal letters, remits, "slim jims" and doorhangers. Jane Hunter said she would help with this effort.

5) 2004 Follow-up:
Susan: No one replied with changes to the questionnaire and today is the final day for comment.
Action items: Susan will send to Brent and he will broadcast to State Associates. Brent will resend url for archive site. SA's to solicit materials. Mentors to contact SA's.

6) Matching Funds:

Need fundraising effort. See above.

7) Campaign Schools:

It was proposed that we develop a template for campaign schools.

Campaign School subcommittee - Local and State party is going to have to do some of the work and help. We need to put together a template to identify responsibilities. Jane, Jen, Rob and Cindy are interested in working on this.

8) Hotline:

Action Item: Brent to resend directory to CCC.

9) Campaign Manual:

Amy will look at existing manual and get back with the group on possible changes for 2005.

10) Candidate Recruiting Manual:

We need feedback. Encourage use.

11) Ballot Access Manual:

Continue to inform people that it exists.

12) Ballot Access Working Group (BAWG):

Those that lost ballot access in this cycle: Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Rhode Island and Utah. Nebraska is starting a new petition drive. So is Utah. The BAWG needs to reconvene soon. Active participants have included: Holly Hart, Phil Huckelberry, Jody Haug, Jane Hunter, Brent McMillan, Juscha Robinson, Tom Sevigny, Rhoda Vanderhart, and others. Recently joined by Mike DeRosa. About 14 members in all.

13) Officeholders Network:

Gray, Brent, Amy. Nick Mellis has volunteered to assist on behalf of the Fundraising Committee. Discussed Listserv and Database.

14) Elections Database:

Agenda Item for SC call. Action Item: Brent to get on agenda.

15) Campus Greens:

Jen, Rob. Discussed Spring Break Interns. Currently second on waiting list for Listserv. There are a limited number of Listservs that GPUS is capable of hosting. Action Item: Brent will pursue options.

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