Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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CCC Meeting Minutes

Those in Attendance: Jo Chamberlain (CA), Amy Heart (WI), Jane Hunter (NJ), Brent McMillan (DC), Tom Sevigny (CT), Rob Tufts (MD), Jen Walling (IL)

Absent: Cindy Asrir (NE), Susan Fawcett (MI), Ross Mirkarimi (CA), Jason Neville (LA), David Silva (LC)

Facilitator: Amy

Notetaker: Brent

1. Resources Subcommittee

1.A. Develop new application for resources.

Action Item: Jen will try to have the separated application done within a week. She is also developing an application for candidates who want to have their fundraising plan and campaign plan reviewed.

1.B. Compile feedback received from questionnaire sent out to candidates.

Amy heard from Susan that she will compile the results of the Questionnaire soon.

1.C. Letter to Matt Gonzalez

Action Item: Jen will review the letter to Matt.

1.D. Update of Campaign Manual

Rob is interested in working on this. Rob gave an example of a change that needs to be made. Rob and Amy will work together on this. Amy will ask Kevin from the Officeholders Network to review the current document.

1.E. Matching funds may need to be discontinued …

Matching funds are not being considered in the Tier 1 budget. We need to prioritize the items to fundraise towards. We discussed a disclaimer statement in regards to the matching funds program on the application.

2. Campaign Schools

2.A. Develop template for campaign school

We will have a call about this in early January. Jen will email everybody to set this up.

We discussed the proposed Green Summit in Georgia. It was agreed that the Greens in Georgia need to have a commitment from Greens in other states in order to move forward. It was recommended that Brent not travel to Brunswick for the meeting on the 17th but try to do as much as possible over the phone.

3. State Associates Program

A. Develop "job description" for State Associates

Brent sent out the job description to the extent that it was developed by the previous CCC.

Action Item: Brent will draft an updated version for discussion on the next call. CCC members to get their comments to him by Friday.

B. Schedule regional conference call with state associates

Amy reported on the Great Lakes Region call which took place on November 16th. She will be sending out the notes from the call shortly. They are planning a Campaign School for 2005 in Chicago. They plan to hold calls quarterly with the next call in February.

Each CCC member should try to coordinate one of the conference calls.

Action Items: Tom agreed to work towards a call in the Northeast. Rob agreed to work towards a call for the Chesapeake region. Jen will work with Cindy on a call for the Prairie Region. Brent will work on the next call for the Pacific Northwest Region. Amy will work on the next call for the Great Lakes Region. Jane will assist David on a call for the Southwest Region. Jason has committed previously on a call for the Southern region.

C. Approve of regions sent out by Brent

Regions as revised: (Revisions in parenthesis)

The Pacific Northwest - Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho paired with Montana and Wyoming. Alaska and Hawaii are very remote but might be attached to the Pacific Northwest.

The Great Lakes Region - Wisconsin, (The Chicago Area of) Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan paired with (Western) Pennsylvania and Iowa (also PR).

The Chesapeake Region - Virginia, DC, West Virginia, (Eastern Pennsylvania), Maryland, Delaware, and (Southern) New Jersey.

The Prairie Region - Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa (also GLR), Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois (also GLR)

The Southwest - Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Texas

The South - Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky.

The Northeast - Maine, Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and (Northern New Jersey).

The High Plains - South Dakota, North Dakota and Minnesota.

4. Maintain Web Page/Listservers

A. Add new templates

B. Solve problem concerning ownership of election database

Brent reported that Susan Dridi and Jonathan Lundell have agreed to assess the current software developed by Kendra. Susan will contact Kendra to make the arrangements.

5. Subcommittees/Liaisons with other Groups

A. Reconvene BAWG

Action Item - Brent is working on a detailed report on our current Ballot Access situation. He will run it by the BAWG for comment before sending to the national committee. This is also an opportunity to reconvene the BAWG and begin working on the issues for 2005.

B. Campus Greens

Jen reported on the current status of the Campus Greens. There is a conference call on December 20th. Rob will be on the call as well. The old 501C4 organization is nearly dormant. The 527 is moving forward.

Brent reported that current co-chair of the Campus Greens organization, Shannon Anderson dropped off materials for storage at the national office. She has served for almost two years and her term is coming to an end soon.

C. Officeholders Network

Brent reported that the new listserv for the Officeholders Network is up and running. Gray and Brent have administrative access. Brent is contacting all of the new and recently re-elected officeholders about the new listserv.

Action Item - Brent to contact the existing officeholders about the new listserv.

6. Other

Jen talked about building a database of officeholder accomplishments. She is willing to call the new and recently re-elected officeholders. We will combine this with the calls to solicit donor list. Amy volunteered to assist.

Amy brought up the idea of targeted candidates who lost and still have money in their campaign accounts.

We discussed the building of a database of officeholders. Jane and Brent will discuss this further on Friday. Rob has ideas as well.

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