Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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CCC Meeting Minutes

Those in Attendance: Cindy Asrir (NE), Jo Chamberlain (CA), Jane Hunter (NJ), Brent McMillan (DC), Rob Tufts (MD), , Tom Sevigny (CT), Jen Walling (IL) 

Starlene Rankin (CA) was invited on the call from the PCSC

Facilitator: Tom
Notetaker: Jen

Approval of the meeting minutes from the 9th - approved. Brent will get posted to the website.
Minutes from the 23rd? - Don't post the minutes. There weren't enough people on.

1. Discussion of projects/how to spend $$
Brent - we received a large donation from a couple. Also there is potentially the Ohio recount money. Plus several other large donors. There have been some ideas for what to do with the money.
- Ballot access?
- Campaign schools?
Cindy - Revive the matching funds program
Brent - New Brunswick, Georgia candidates, if we were able to get staff in there, it might be the difference for a win. Tier 1, 2, 3 budgets
Tom - recommend forming a subcommittee of about 3 people to put something together within the next 10 days so that in 2 weeks everyone will have it and we can discuss it on our next call.

People on the committee - Tom, Brent, Cindy, Jen

Tom will put out a call to the rest of the committee for the projects.
Brent - fairly detailed strategy from Richard Winger about ballot access
Starlene - PCSC is going to make ballot access a priority. Facilitate communication between CCC and PCSC
Jane - intermediate technology support for Brent
Brent - improving security (Mozilla, Linux, other technology) automatic backups nightly. BAWG is not a separate line item. Possible $40,000 donor for ballot access campaign for Georgia. Officeholders is a separate line item as well. 


A. ACTION ITEM - Develop new application for resources (Completion date 12/31/04; Jenn, David, Brent, Tom)
Jen has redone the Resources application

Cindy - what are the timelines?
Jen - Rolling deadlines for everything but matching funds

Brent - If you want to update the website, please be very specific.
Jen - How do we make the changes?
Brent - Make the proposal at the next call.
Jen will do that.
Cindy - the matching funds strategic plan. Rolling basis? Does the resources subcommittee hold calls?
Brent - matching funds - "as available." If we want to do the matching funds, steering committee, would say if we can or can't. Resources subcommittee meets separately

Jen - We need to have a better strategic plan for the matching funds program. Also need to contact all candidates.

Brent - Thinks that the points system is ineffective. That we didn't support Audrey Thayer's campaign was disappointing. Because the interaction didn't go very well, we didn't give her money. That was a close election. Only one campaign won. We need to reevaluate campaigns for assistance. How can we rethink how we are evaluating campaigns? 
Our main database sets us up to get candidate info now. 

B. ACTION ITEM - Compile feedback received from questionnaire sent out to candidates (Completion date 12/31/04; Susan)

Everyone should read this and we'll talk about it at the next call.

C. ACTION ITEM - Letter to Matt Gonzalez re: money for candidates (Completion date 12/15/04; Tom and Jenn)

Tom - Time for making a call! Brent needs to get Tom Matt's phone #.

D. ACTION ITEM - Update of campaign manual (Completion date 12/31/04; Amy)
Rob - sent some suggestions and Amy has made some suggestions.
Brent updated one of the appendices. 


A. ACTION ITEM - Develop template for campaign school (Completion date 1/31/05; Jane, Jenn, Rob and Cindy)
Jen will e-mail everyone to try to set up a conference call. 

B. ACTION ITEM - Identify locations for campaign schools in 2005 (Completion date 1/31/05; Entire committee)
Brent - Northwestern campaign school - proposal from Jody Haug. They want certain types of assistance. Assistance in getting Matt Gonzalez, David Cobb, and Peter Camejo to the campaign school. Move the date further out (they did). Way over ambitious on the number they could get. Going for 100. Chesapeake campaign school had 50 people.


A. ACTION ITEM - Develop "job description" for State Associates (Completion date 12/15/04; Brent)

B. ACTION ITEM - Schedule regional conference call with state associates (Completion date 1/31/05; entire committee)
Tom - Northeast
Rob - Chesapeake 
Jen and Cindy - Prairie 
Brent - Pacific Northwest 
Amy - Great Lakes 
Jane and David - Southwest
Jason - Southern 
Brent - initiated a Pacific Northwest conference call. Going to get on the phone and solicit responses from the other state associates from the region.
Tom - trying to set up a Northeast one.
Rob - Chesapeake - Working on it next week
Jane - will be trying to get a hold of David in the next couple of days and go from there.


A. ACTION ITEM - Add new templates (Completion date 1/31/05; Jane)
Jane is working on this. 

B. ACTION ITEM - Solve problem concerning ownership of election database (Completion date 1/31/05; Tom and Brent)
Jane and Brent will solve this problem together.
Rob is going to come in to help. 


A. ACTION ITEM - Reconvene BAWG (Completion date 1/31/05)

Starlene - PCSC also wants to work on Ballot access stuff too. Don't have much to work on except that
Brent - there are lots of good opportunities coming up. They thought they had to get a certain percentage to get on the ballot, but instead they have to gather 5000 signatures on petitions. Opportunity in Oklahoma, hopefully the law will change there. Richard is going to talk about the potential for the Green Party's growth in his next newsletter.
Starlene - money for ballot access. CCC's budget or PCSC's budget.
Brent - PCSC and BAWG need to become more formalized. Should they become their own committees?
Brent's vision - we left it up to the states in the past and we haven't really done well. The national libertarian party takes on ballot access as one of their primary projects. Brent thinks that would be a positive thing for ballot access for the Green Party. We need to be thinking strategically about the best way to get and maintain ballot access.
Tom - When we put together a budget, ballot access needs to be near the top. 
Starlene - The more people we have out there connected with the national, the more it's going to help us.


We're going to be putting together a Campus Edition of the Organizing Manual! E-mail Jen if you want to help. J 

Brent - We're getting more and more subscribers now. They're checking in with each other and they're talking about what they're doing in their office. Starting to become more and more functional. Linking subgroups of officers - school board, water board, etc.

A. Selection of Tom to the Strategy Committee 
Approved by consensus

Cindy - Who's running for office in 2005?

Brent - Check the database for 2005.