Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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CCC Meeting Minutes

Those in Attendance: Amy Heart (WI), Susan Fawcett (MI), Robb Tufts (MD), Jen Walling (IL), Brent McMillan (DC), Phil Huckelberry (IL), Cindy Asrir (NE)

Notetaker: Jen

Approval of Minutes - Jan. 30 - Approved.

1. Discussion of projects/how to spend $$ also discussion about BAWG with Phil Huckleberry
Report by Phil Huckelberry on the BAWG -
BAWG has been a committee of the CCC. BAWG should be a standing committee of its own at the level of other committees.
Need of BAWG to be going at all times and have policy and procedures.
Amy - Do you feel that it would be more effective and efficient to be separate from the CCC?
Phil - It already has been separate from the CCC. No direction from the CCC to the BAWG. The PCSC really wants to do ballot access. PCSC can't do much until after working group is done. PCSC will have a lot to do during a presidential year.
Brent - Cobb has been calling for an in person meeting with the steering committee. They will have a lot of recommendations. This will probably have a lot of impact on how the PCSC and BAWG operates. PCSC is kind of in limbo right now.
Jen - Can the BAWG and PCSC have a CCC members as a voting member?
Phil - PCSC already has that in their Policies and Procedures. Hope that there will be a formal relationship.
Robb - What is going to be the BAWG's mission if it is it's own committee?
Phil - Three components to ballot access - Petitioning, Legislative/lobbying, and legal matters. Assisting states that don't have a guaranteed ballot line in getting a guaranteed ballot line.
Brent - Strategy and priorities. Draft ballot access report. People are reviewing it for accuracy. National level should take a more active role in pursuing ballot access. Another piece of that is the legal committee. Also, we have a seat on COFOE. They engage in lawsuits that have to do with ballot access and minority parties. Strategy, priorities, budget
Phil - Proactively identify where we can make a difference
Robb - Concern about going into states where there isn't the grassroots support to maintain ballot access
Phil - Need for outside support - people to help with election code.
Brent - Tennessee - where people there didn't understand the law. Want to prevent that
Cindy - many of the successful parties are organized by the national level in terms of ballot access. This is something we need to be willing to do.
Amy - if BAWG becomes its own committee, what if it gets bogged down with committee organizational issues rather than action
Brent - Next staff member will be a field director.

Approve having the BAWG as a separate committee, but should have a member from the CCC as a voting member.

Discussion of project/how to spend $$$ -
Brent - Finance committee has released a tier 1 budget. Possibility that will get to the tier 2 before long. Need to flush out an itemized budget at each of those three tiers. We should also go beyond the third tier.
Jen - 9PM Eastern next Sunday, Budget subcommittee call


A. ACTION ITEM - Develop new application for resources (Completion date 12/31/04; Jenn, David, Brent, Tom)

Jen - not quite done with the proposal. Can we approve it by e-mail by next Sunday?
Consensus - Jen will send out proposal by Tuesday night and ask for approval by Sunday.

B. ACTION ITEM - Compile feedback received from questionnaire sent out to candidates (Completion date 12/31/04; Susan)
Susan - how should we make it available? Susan was thinking it would go out before the election season or right after the convention season.
Jen - Send out to our state associates? Would like to see it on the website.
Brent - should I send it out to the State Associates list?
Susan - revise it every election cycle. Send it out to the SA list.
Amy - send it out more than once.
Brent will send it again after the convention.

C. ACTION ITEM - Letter to Matt Gonzalez re: money for candidates (Completion date 12/15/04; Tom and Jenn)
No update

D. ACTION ITEM - Update of campaign manual (Completion date 12/31/04; Amy)
Amy - will send out the campaign manual updated this week. Robb made some good suggestions and some changes.


A. ACTION ITEM - Develop template for campaign school (Completion date 1/31/05; Jane, Jenn, Rob and Cindy)
Jen - We'll be doing this by e-mail over the week.

B. ACTION ITEM - Identify locations for campaign schools in 2005 (Completion date 1/31/05; Entire committee)
Amy - this will be something to include in the budget proposal
Brent - Seattle/Cascadia campaign School April 1-3
Chesapeake - Late April, early May
Ohio Green Party - Toledo
Great Lakes - Chicago
Jen will talk to Ohio.
Susan - Michigan wants to do a late summer campaign school.
Brent - doesn't see the ability yet to do a Southern campaign school. Maybe the thing to do is to bring the candidates from Georgia to DC. Funding for travel costs.
Budget priority
Is there still the officeholders get together?
- It's been cancelled.


A. ACTION ITEM - Develop "job description" for State Associates (Completion date 12/15/04; Brent)
DONE. Update sent to the State Associates list
B. ACTION ITEM - Schedule regional conference call with state associates (Completion date 1/31/05; entire committee)
Brent - Pacific Northwest - held on Feb. 10 - had three state associates - Washington, Idaho, Montana. Sent draft minutes to the people on the call. Then will send to those not on the call.

Amy - Notice for a Great Lakes call in the next month.
Tom - Northeast
Rob - Chesapeake
Jen and Cindy - Prairie
Amy - Great Lakes
Jane and David - Southwest
Jason - Southern


A. ACTION ITEM - Add new templates (Completion date 1/31/05; Jane)
No Update
B. ACTION ITEM - Solve problem concerning ownership of election database (Completion date 1/31/05; Tom and Brent)
No update


A. ACTION ITEM - Reconvene BAWG (Completion date 1/31/05)
No update
Anybody want to be on the Campus Edition of the Organizing

No update

A. Selection of Tom to the Strategy Committee
Brent read off list of Strategy Committee members.
