Green Party Coordinated Campaign Committee

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On the call: Tom Sevigny (CT), David Silva (CA), Jen Walling (IL), Susan Fawcett (MI), Brent McMillan (DC), Jo Chamberlain (CA), Amy Heart (WI)

February 13, 2005 approved. Brent will have them posted online.

Brent: The current proposal (Tier 1) is before national committee for a vote and is easily passing at this point. The voting is over tonight, so we should know by Monday if approved. Then the money will be released.


A. Develop new application for resources; Update website
Jenn updated the website and questionnaire. Brent will email Kevin to change contacts on instruction page ( We'll keep that page up with current language. The questionnaire itself will change. Jenn will work with Brent to finalize the changes.

B. Update of campaign manual
Amy: After a long delay, look for the updates and changes this week in an inbox near you…


A. Develop template for campaign school.
Brent sent the committee a template from the Baltimore School. This will help the committee put something together.

B. Identify locations for campaign schools in 2005
Cascadia School: It's all set. Ross Mirkarimi (CA) will be the keynote on Friday, Brent is the key note on Saturday.

DC School: A date will hopefully be set up soon. Brent is lead for this school.

Ohio School: Anita Rios is heading up this effort for a school in Toledo. Jenn is following up on this one.

Susan: Grand Rapids wants to put one together. working on one too

Amy: Wisconsin is thinking about hosting one. Chicago was also listed as a possible location. The campaign schools will be discussed on the upcoming Great Lakes call. There may end up being a few in the Great Lakes area. .

North East School: May 6 date set. Tom is lead on this school.


A. Schedule regional conference call with state associates

Tom - Northeast: Tom was off call at this point. No update.
Rob- Chesapeake: Rob was not on call. No update.
Jenn and Cindy - Prairie: Jenn will touch base with Cindy and plan this.
Brent - Pacific Northwest: Just happened. Minutes were sent out to people who were on the call. He'll send them out to CCC.
Amy - Great Lakes: Amy will send out an email to organize their second call. It will hopefully be held in the second week of April
Jane and David - Southwest: Brent will send David the contacts for SW area. He'll start planning this.
Jason - Southern: Amy will follow up with Brent on staff call. IF there is a need, Amy will put a call together.


A. Add new templates: no report

B. Solve problem concerning ownership of election database
There are 34 office holders for the year. Brent has been working on updating this list, however it will be a light year.


Brent: Illinois had originally said they would bring forward a proposal to have BAWG as a standing committee of the national party, however nothing has been happening. Jenn will talk to the folks in IL. If they are not going to do it, Brent knows there are individuals in CA who would bring it forward to the national committee.

It was suggested that the CCC provide a statement of support of this move.

Amy moved (David second) that: "The CCC supports establishing BAWG as a standing committee of the national party. The CCC has discussed this idea, and understands the importance and necessity to have an active, officially recognized working BAWG committee. The CCC would encourage a state to bring it forward to the national coordinating committee for consideration." The CCC approved the statement.


Jenn hasn't heard from some contacts. She doesn't want to loose the people that are contacting the national party. She is suggesting a list serve that could be used on a weekly or monthly basis. Brent agreed that this is becoming critical to organizing of Campus Greens. Brent will follow up with Greg and Cameron about getting this established.

Howard University: Brent gave an update on the political expo held last Wednesday at Howard University. A survey was done if Fall of 2004 at HU, looking at what motivates student 18-24 to vote. Vote or Die was pretty successful, but generally, nothing has been particularly effective. Brent represented the Green Party in the panel. He said the Greens were great on the panel and in the expo as well. He also made some important contacts with like-minded organizations.

Brent obtained a copy of the U.S. Student Association organizing manual and guide to voter access manual Brent will forward this to Jenn, which will be helpful in creating an organizing manual for the campus greens.


Brent has been pretty active in talking to the office holders. There are sub-networks being established: Water board members connecting to other water board members; School board network; and Brenda Konkel wants to start a council network. Specific connections are being made.

There is talk in Madison about organizing an annual meeting / institute for office holders. Jenn reported that this is moving forward. Juscha would be the person to contact.

Strategic Plan Working Group (SPWG) had no office holders. However there are 3 advisors that can be appointed, and with the recommendation from Brent, the group approved 1 advisor be an office holder. Brent posted that invite to the office holders network this evening and is looking forward to getting someone on board.

Also related to the SPWG… Brent noted that they developed a dead-wood policy. If members have not reported in by March 30, they will be considered off the working group. There may be room for Tom if that happens.

8. Task List
Jenn sent this out a few weeks ago to help Brent, and ensure we're all moving forward with the work if this committee. Amy will fill in some blanks, and send it out to committee with areas highlighted where we need volunteers.

Adjourned. Thanks to Jenn for facilitating!

Next meeting: Sunday, March 27 (9 pm eastern time)