Finance Committee Notes:

May 19, 2004

Attendees: Jake Schneider - facilitator, Juscha Robinson - guest presenter, Bill Meyers - timer, Jo Chamberlain - notes, Jeff Turner.

1. Notes from previous meeting approved.

2. Juscha, CCC Proposal, Targeting Program (see attachment): Qualifying campaigns receive funds.   AZ candidate Claudia Almquist wants matching funds. Would secure ballot access for the county if not the state. Requires we create a separatePAC and do the filing. Claudia willing to do legal stuff herself. PAC requirements already in our FEC reports. Discussion about responsibility for filings and record keeping.  GPUS would only be responsible for reporting the $1000 transferred from GPUS accounts to GPUS' AZ PAC to Claudia's campaign. Actions: Jake and Juscha will talk with Doug.

3. Comprehensive Database and Reporting System: Emily ill. No new update. Jeff working on cost accounting portion.

4. Income Cost Accounting: Emily written report. Tracking income per spreadsheet. Jeff working on definition of income.

5. Convention Income/Budget: Emily will send out tomorrow.

6. BRPP Update (see draft below): Bill sent out draft. Committee procedures are separate from Fiscal Policies. Discussion about need to be or not be delegate to serve on FinCom. Removal for cause and process section. Action: Bill will research *removal for cause and process* and resubmit.

7. Fiscal Policy Revisions: Jake researching. Can't find FunCom policies from when they were formed. Will need to discuss with FunCom to clarify boundaries. Will send out in next couple of days. Will try to get Marnie to help with FunCom policies. Should be ready in two weeks for next call.

8. Reports - Weekly Financial: Discussion how to treat actual reserve and cash on hand. Need to do a better job. Need to have a savings account for the reserve fund so there is no in/out without decision by FinCom. Action: Jake will discuss with Doug. At next call will decide what to do.

9. Budget Amendment Schedule: Discussion, how to proceed needs to be done in June? Action: Jo and Jake will post statement to FinCom for approval. It will state that with only two groups responding with revisions which asking from more money, and income at 25% there is no point in spending our time creating a revised budget. Everyone's time will be better spent fundraising.

10. Budget Workshop Convention: Jeff discussed schedule. Need to let them how much time we need. Jeff will know if attending in the next week.

11. Cash Flow: not good, need to improve. 


Bill Meyers' Draft:  Mission, Policies and Procedures FinCom



by Bill Meyers on April 21, 2004
Mission, Policies, and Procedures
Green Party of the United States
Finance Committee
Committee Mission

The primary mission of the Finance Committee is to monitor fiscal activities. In addition it is to consult with staff and officers to make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee for fiscal policy changes and prepare annual budgets and occasional budget amendments for the consideration of the Coordinating Committee. The Finance Committee will oversee day-to-day affairs of party finances such as bank accounts, methods of disbursement, etc., as well as obtain an independent annual audit of our financial affairs by a certified public accountant, as the Finance Committee shall be considered our audit committee.

Committee Structure

Membership on the Finance Committee will be, at a minimum, the GPUS Treasurer, the GPUS accountant, the designated Steering Committee member who is on the banking signatory card, and any Steering Committee members who choose to join. Any member of the Coordinating Committee may join with the voted approval of the Coordinating Committee. With the approval of their state Green Party, persons who are Green Party members but not Coordinating Committee members may join if approved by the Coordinating Committee. Volunteers for the Finance Committee shall inform the Steering Committee of their interest, so that the Steering Committee may make a timely proposal for approval of the new members.

Members who have not participated on-line, in subcommittees, or on teleconferences for the prior three months shall not be counted towards quorum. Quorum will consist of a majority of active members. The co-chairs of the committee will be the GPUS Treasurer and the designated Steering Committee member who is on the banking signatory card. The co-chairs will be responsible for keeping the committee on task, maintaining a roster of committee members, conducting votes, and communicating with the Coordinating Committee and Steering Committee.

Decision Making

The committee will meet no less than once per month, but may set more frequent meetings. Meetings will be in-person or by teleconference. All meetings must be noticed to the committee members at least 3 days in advance.

Proposals require no advance notice, but advance notice is encouraged. The committee will seek to operate by consensus. It there is no consensus a proposal may be brought to a vote; a two-thirds vote of the committee members present at the meeting is required to pass a proposal. When concerns are expressed but not withdrawn, they must be reported in the minutes. If the proposal is forwarded to the Steering Committee, the concerns must be included in the report to the Steering Committee.

An e-mail vote on a proposal may be authorized at a committee meeting and will follow the same rules for passage as a proposal presented in a meeting. Such proposals will have an explicit deadline set and will require a two-thirds vote for passage.


Jo Chamberlain.