Finance Committee Notes:

June 02, 2004

Finance Committee, Green Party of the United States June 2, 2004 Teleconference Approved Minutes

Attending: Jo Chamberlain, Jake Schneider, Bill Meyers, Emily Citkowski; Jeff Turner
Jake - Facilitator
Bill Meyers - notes

1. Approval of minutes from May 5 and 19: approved

2. Comprehensive database/reporting system: merger of database for fundraising? David is working on it, but there are difficulties, so no date for finishing is certain. David won't be available after the summer; Megan Case has offered to do the work for $10 an hour; Emily will talk to her.

3. Income Cost Accounting: no report.

4. Mission, Policy and Procedures: updated draft was sent out. Comments to be sent to e-mail list.

5. Revisions to current fiscal policy: updated draft was sent out. Comments to be sent to e-mail list. Submit final draft after the convention.

6. Weekly financial reports: We are behind in payments to states because of lack of reports; data on who gives with state sharing is in the old database. There is about $27,000 currently reported in the reserve. Reserve needs to be in a separate account. We need a clarification for Doug's FEC reporting.

7. Budget Amendment Schedule: Jo and Jake will do.

8. Budget workshops: Jeff can't be at convention. Decided to cancel. But will have a Financial Committee meeting; date and time to be determined by future communications.

9. Cash Flow: Negative. Hopefully convention will at least break even.

10. Posting of minutes: Once the minutes are approved, Emily will forward them for posting.

11. CCC funds: Doug not present to give report.