Finance Committee Notes:

June 16, 2004

Draft Notes:
Finance Committee Teleconference Meeting
WEDNESDAY June 16, 2004

Attendees: Bill Meyers CA facilitator; Jake Schneider WI; Emily Citkowski staff; Jeff Turner HI; Jo Chamberlain CA notes; Doug Malkan.

Approval of minutes of June 2 meeting
-approved with Jeff's changes made. Bill will repost with corrections.

1. Comprehensive database and reporting systems update
-Doug Jeff & Emily (lead person for the database working group)
-Megan is working on merging the old with the new database.
-Data is being input.
-Should finish next week or week after.

2. Income cost accounting-update- Doug Emily and Jeff
-discussion about how to improve reporting.
-created(ing) income categories.
-second month of doing inventory of merchandise.
-discussion on how caucuses will function within the current party structure.

3. Committee Mission Policies and Procedures  update  (see below)
- Bill - willing to defer until after Milwaukee meeting next week.

4. Revisions to current Fiscal Policy - Rules and Procedures Update (see below)
-new SC will be organized by *portfolio* how this will work remains to be seen.
-discussion regarding caucus and committee actions.

5. Weekly financial reports Update 
-Jeff Jake
- see reports
- proposal: expenditures under $50 will not be individually itemized on future reports agreed by consensus.

6. Budget Amendment Schedule- Jo Jake
-proposal: stop working on 2004 revised budget and focus on 2005 and four year budget instead agreed to by consensus.

7. Finance Committee meeting at the convention- Jake
- Jake and Jo will be doing report to the CC 10 min.
- Jeff will provide written material about need for 4 year budget.
- Thursday, June 24th, between 4 and 5:45 pm for meeting in person.

8. Cash Flow- Income & Expenditures - Everyone
- were not able to add to the reserve last month.
- seem to be spending what comes in.
- income about half for convention and half for general party use.
- still under spending freeze until income increases.
- on next scheduled teleconference will need to make some serious decisions about income issue.
- convention budget is close to actual costs; income still unknown but looks like will be positive.

9. Posting FinCom minutes on our web page Bill Emily
- taken care of already.

10. CCC/ Campaign Resource Program Update Doug
- Doug will be monitoring AZ account and report at each teleconference.

11. Next meeting
- June 30th, 5 to 6:30 pm Pacific Time.
Revised Draft
by Bill Meyers on June 2, 2004

Mission, Policies, and Procedures
Green Party of the United States
Finance Committee

Committee Mission

The primary mission of the Finance Committee is to monitor fiscal activities. In addition it is to consult with staff and officers to make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee for fiscal policy changes and prepare annual budgets and occasional budget amendments for the consideration of the Coordinating Committee. The Finance Committee will oversee day-to-day affairs of party finances such as bank accounts, methods of disbursement, etc., as well as obtain an independent annual audit of our financial affairs by a certified public accountant, as the Finance Committee shall be considered our audit committee.

Committee Structure

Membership on the Finance Committee will be, at a minimum, the GPUS Treasurer, the GPUS accountant, the designated Steering Committee member who is on the banking signatory card, and any Steering Committee members who choose to join. Any member of the Coordinating Committee may join with the voted approval of the Coordinating Committee. With the approval of their state Green Party, persons who are Green Party members but not Coordinating Committee members, including members from states not organized as part of GPUS, may join if approved by the Coordinating Committee. Volunteers for the Finance Committee shall inform the Steering Committee of their interest, so that the Steering Committee may make a timely proposal for approval of the new members. Members may serve until they resign or are removed for cause.

Members who have not participated on-line, in subcommittees, or on teleconferences for the prior three months shall not be counted towards quorum. Quorum will consist of a majority of active members.

Members may be removed for cause by the Coordinating Committee upon a proposal from the Steering Committee. Members may be removed:

1. After missing meetings for three or more months, or missing more than half the meetings in a given calendar year;

2. After registering in any party other than the Green Party or an affiliate of the GPUS;

3. Upon notification of removal by the state party where the member has membership;

4. Upon any malfeasance, corruption, or behavior which the Coordinating Committee deems to be incompatible with Finance Committee membership.

The co-chairs of the committee will be the GPUS Treasurer and the designated Steering Committee member who is on the banking signatory card. The co-chairs will be responsible for keeping the committee on task, maintaining a roster of committee members, conducting votes, and communicating with the Coordinating Committee and Steering Committee.  

Decision Making

The committee will meet no less than once per month, but may set more frequent meetings. Meetings will be in-person or by teleconference. All meetings must be noticed to the committee members at least 3 days in advance.

Proposals require no advance notice, but advance notice is encouraged. The committee will seek to operate by consensus. It there is no consensus a proposal may be brought to a vote; a two-thirds vote of the committee members present at the meeting is required to pass a proposal. When concerns are expressed but not withdrawn, they must be reported in the minutes. If the proposal is forwarded to the Steering Committee, the concerns must be included in the report to the Steering Committee.

An e-mail vote on a proposal may be authorized at a committee meeting and will follow the same rules for passage as a proposal presented in a meeting. Such proposals will have an explicit deadline set and will require a two-thirds vote for passage.


Updated March 14, 2002
Organizational effectiveness requires the Steering Committee:
8. Administer Green Party fundraising and organizational support
    as well as review recommendations received from the Finance
Committee for
   possible implementation.
       Individuals: Contributions from individuals will be accepted in
amounts as permitted
       by law and all excess contributions will be returned.  The names
of all individuals
       contributors will be public.  Contributions are not
tax-deductible.  This limit is
       subject to a sunset clause at the first meeting of the Green
Party following the 2008
       elections.  The Coordinating Committee must vote to continue this
policy, or the
       limit will revert to the levels in effect prior to this policy.
        The treasurer's annual report to the Coordinating Committee will
partially consist of
         the most recent Federal Elections Commission report which is
viewable in the
        public domain and includes details on contributions by category
as well as the
         names and addresses of all contributing parties, individuals,
and organizations.
         Expenses for, and income from, any Green Party merchandising
will be handled
          through a separate account (Green Party Merchandising)
established for this
           Expenditures from the Green Party's general operating account
        or from the merchandising account,
        may be made by Treasurer upon written request only when such
expenditures have
        been authorized in the Green Party's interim, annual, or revised
annual budget.
            All expenditures must be made by check
           or credit card.
       The treasurer when authorized in an approved budget may make
expenditures from the general funds up to a maximum of $2000 for
individual payment without additional signatures from another designated
Steering Committee member.  In
excess of the amount of $2000 the Treasurer shall request and obtain an
electronic approval from the designated Steering Committee member for
each payment.
        The designated Steering Committee member shall be on the banking
signature card.
           The Treasurer shall also make individuals payments when the
Steering Committee approves discretionary expenditures under policies
set forth in these rules.
        A petty cash fund will be managed in the national office for the
handling of small local expenses with monthly reports of this fund to
the accountant an treasurer.
           All expenditures will be recorded accounting to accepted
banking and accounting
           practices, and a report of all expenditures, including payees
and amounts, will be
           available for member review.
             The Treasurer will include categorized expenditures in an
annual report to the
             Coordinating Committee which will partially consist of the
most recent Federal
              Elections Commission reports which are viewable in the
public domain.
           Copies of monthly bank statements for all Green Party
accounts, will be made
           available to any member of the Steering Committee upon
request, at any time.
          Only the treasurer or the designated member of the Steering
Committee shall be
           authorized to make disbursements.
          Be it resolved that in those instances where donations are so
shared between the
          state and the national parties, the maximum contribution
allowed by state and
           The Treasurer shall enforce federal law.
          Be it resolved that before any shared contribution in a given
year is accepted by a
         donor, it will need to be determined by the Treasurer as to
whether the donor's
         state can accept their full share of the money for use by the
state party and if not
         the assistance of the state treasurer by the national Treasurer
shall be required for a
          decision as to the disposition of the states share of the
donor's contribution.
           The Green Party shall maintain the following accounts. Note
that dual federal and
           nonfederal accounts are a general necessity for following the
regulations of the
          Federal Election Commission whether or not the Green Party is
actively involved
           in both categories of activities.  Transfers between the
general and merchandising
         funds may be made as needed in accordance with the annual
budget, or specific
          directive of the coordinating committee.
            General Federal paragraph
            General Nonfederal paragraph
         The Green Party shall maintain at a minimum a general operating
account for check
          writing and depository purposes and a saving account for
placement of the party's
          reserve funds.  Transfers between these accounts may be made
by the treasurer as
           needed in accordance with annual budget or upon specific
directives from the
          Steering Committee.
           Payroll paragraph
       Green Party of The United States Credit Card Policy
       The Treasurer, in consultation with the Steering Committee and
the Finance
       Committee, is authorized to obtain credit cards under the name of
The Green Party of
        The United States, in order to facilitate normal fiscal
operations of The Green Party
        of The United States.
       The use of the GPUS credit card or any other person's credit card
for GPUS
       expenditures does not constitute a loan under this fiscal policy
as long as the bill is
         paid in full each month.  It is the intention of the GPUS to
pay all credit cards
        charges in full when due except for any disputed items that were
charged on the
        card.  Any decision not to pay the full amount is subject to the
loan provisions of
        this fiscal policy.
       Only the Treasurer is automatically authorized to hold a credit
card for which the
        GPUS is responsible.  For any other person, such as staff or
committee members to
       be issued a credit card, the Finance Committee must make a
recommendation for the
       Steering Committee approval and that card must be designated for
that individual so
        that the charges to it can be traced to each cardholder.
      The Finance Committee shall institute guidelines for credit limits
and authorized
       usage limits for any credit card issued under the name of the
GPUS based upon the
       authorized monthly budgetary needs of each cardholder.  All
people herein issued
       credit cards are required to file a report to the Treasurer
and/or accountant each
        month by the 10th day of the following month, indicating what
each charge to the
       credit card is for, and what budgetary line item covers that
expense.  Repeated failure
        to provide this information is grounds for cancellation of
charging privileges and
        return of the card at the Treasurer's request.
       The GPUS credit card may not be used for non-party expenses, or
any unauthorized
       expenses, under any circumstance.  If any person issued a GPUS
credit card uses it
        for any unauthorized expense, the Treasurer may cancel the
charging privileges of
         that card and request immediate return of the card as well as
require immediate
        repayment of the unauthorized expenses.
        The Finance Committee, or any staff and/or volunteers assigned
by it, is authorized
         and required to monitor the use of the GPUS credit card to
ensure that this policy
        is followed and enforced.
         It is the policy of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS)
to pay actual and
         necessary expenses incurred by authorized Party members and
employees when
         they travel outside their city of residency while conducting
official business for the
          All travel by Party members and employees must be approved by
the committee on
          which the person serves or for employees by their
supervisor(s).  Committees
          should not expect GPUS to pay for all committee members to
attend events.
          It is not the intention of the GPUS to pay for delegates or
committee members
          travel to and from the annual meetings and conventions except
to enhance
          diversity.  Specifically, to increase the number of
participants who are people of
           color, women, L.G.B.T.I . (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, intersex), youth,
          the disabled, and any other traditionally disenfranchised
group.  While the primary
          responsibility for travel assistance for delegates and
committee members rests with
          the states that those individuals represent, it is of such
vital importance to the
         growth of the Green Party to enhance diversity that the
national party will allow the
          Diversity Committee to allocate funds from the annual budget
and to raise
          additional funds to provide financial assistance for delegates
and committee
          members who represent the above mentioned groups.
           Per the fiscal policy on expenditures of all travel
expenditures must be approved
           by the treasurer prior to commitment of any funds.
           In the case of Steering Committee (SC) members each receives
an equal amount of
            travel funds at the beginning of each budget year.  If a SC
member's travel
           exceeds the budgeted amount the SC can vote to disburse
discretionary travel
           funds for a one time allocation to that member for specific
activity.  Travel
          expenditures by each SC member will be limited by the amount
of funds in their
           travel account.  A SC member may transfer funds from his or
her own account to
           that of authorized use for a portion of their allocation to
another SC member if
            authorized by a vote of the SC.
           The treasurer will provide periodic updates of travel
expenses for committees and
            Steering Committee members.  All committees and SC members
are advised to
             keep track of their spending.
            Reimbursable travel expenses will include but not limited
to: registration fees,
            lodging, transportation, meals and a child care allowance.
The reimbursable
           amount for mileage and food will be paid as determined by the
Internal Revenue
           Service. For business travel.  For example in 2002 mileage
was on average $.365
           per mile.  See for details prior to
          Every effort must be taken to purchase the least expensive
travel.  This may
           include staying over on a Saturday night by some airlines.
The least expensive
         *class* ticket must be purchased.  Purchase tickets well in
advance for best price.
         When possible negotiate for a exception for refund and flight
changes with airlines.
         When selecting lodging the least expensive union facilities
will be given first
          choice.  If a union facility is not available then the least
expensive guideline
          applies.  In all cases members should select lodging where
they feel safe and
          At the point where the GPS has contracted with a travel
agency, all travel will be
          scheduled through that agency.
         Party members who require advances before traveling must
request the funds in a
         timely manner from the Treasurer.
         All authorized travel by party members and employees will be
reimbursed for all
         reasonable and necessary expenses upon presentation of
receipts, paid bills, ect.
        All reimbursable travel must be reconciled with receipts within
30 days of
         reimbursable travel.
       Prohibited travel expenses:
. Travel by family or companions, except expenses for child care, meals
or other expenses incurred prior to or after the end of the official
travel with the exception of meals while traveling directly to and from
. Parties and entertainment that are not sponsored by GPUS
. Portions of official travel hosted or paid by others
.  Mileage traveled using personal vehicle while not on official travel
     Guest travel
     The party may host guests in their official capacities that require
travel funds.  The SC
       will vote to approve funds from the discretionary travel funds
prior to extending the
        invitation.  The proposal for such funds will include the name
of the guest, the
       official purpose of the travel, itinerary and not to exceed
         There will be a standing Finance Committee who primary task is
to monitor fiscal activities only.  In addition it is to ensure these
rules are approved, consult with staff and officers to make
recommendations to the National Committee for fiscal policy changes,
prepare annual budgets and occasional budget amendments for the
consideration of the National Committee.  The Finance Committee will
oversee the daily affairs of party finances such as bank accounts,
methods of disbursement, ect as well as obtain an independent annual
audit of our financial affairs by a certified public accountant, as the
Finance Committee shall be considered our audit committee.  The
Treasurer and accountant will consult with the Finance Committee on our
fiscal policies, and the Finance Committee is authorized to bring issues
of concern to the Steering or National Committee and temporarily halt
transactions if they raise concern.  The Steering Committee with the
direction of the National Committee shall implement whatever actions are
recommended in order to continue financial transactions.   Membership on
the Finance Committee will be, at a minimum, the Treasurer, the
accountant, the designated Steering Committee member who is on the
banking signatory card, and any Steering Committee members who choose to
join.  Any member of the National Committee may join with voted approval
of the National Committee.  Volunteers for the Finance Committee shall
inform the Steering Committee of their interest, so that the Steering
Committee may call for a timely election for approval of the new member.
The Treasurer shall be the chairperson of the Finance Committee and the
designated Steering Committee person who is on the banking signatory
card shall be the co-chairperson of this committee.