Finance Committee Notes:

August 18, 2004

Finance Committee Meeting Notes
Wednesday August 18 ,2004 7:00- 8:30 PM EST
Attendees: Emily, Jake, Doug, Jo, Bill
Set up: Jake - Facilitatior, Jo - Notes, Doug - Timer

Minutes of Aug 4: Approved as posted Aug 18th am.

1. Comprehensive database and reporting system update - Doug, Jeff & Emily         Emily reported on David S's training in DC. Was very helpful. Still need some technical information specifically regarding credit card reporting. Was coordinated with DC staff and by telephone with Doug and Jake. Will schedule another call for FinCom and staff to continue training.

2. Income Reports Update - Doug, Emily & Jeff         no report

3. Committee Mission Policies and Procedures Update - Bill         Bill will send out the current version soon.

4. Revisions to current Fiscal Policy, Rules and Procedures update - Jake        Jake says is in draft form. Jeff has reviewed and will send edits and comments. Going to draft #3.

5. Budget Amendment - Jo & Jake        Black Caucus budget revision update - no report         Kara provided us with an income projection for the remainder of 2004. Jake will post this to the FinCom list serve.

6. Cash Flow, Income & Expenditures - Everyone         Continued discussion about very serious financial condition. Today's finances $40K in bank, $16K in accounts payable.         Discussed text of letter to CC from SC regarding spending freeze and need for increased income. Proposal: send letter as presented by Jake - consensus. Will send to SC today.

7. CCC/Campaign Resource Program update - Doug        Doug should fall under the spending freeze.

8. Proposal to bundle state sharing of lists with national list - Marc        Draft of GPUS policy needed - no action taken.