Finance Committee Notes:

September 01, 2004

Notes for Wednesday Sept 1, 2004 telemeeting

Attendees: Jake - timer, Bill - facilitator, Jeff, Emily, Jo - notes, Marc

1. Comprehensive database and reporting systems including Income Reports -Emily: combining reports with DIA program. Jeff outlined  online credit card process and why we need to get the best financial  deal for GPUS. Discussion about how to proceed.

2. FinCom Mission, Policies and Procedures -Bill: Posted latest version. Jo 3 requests for changes/additions 1) Members removal part two needs to cover decline to state voters too. 2) request selection of  co-chairs be gender balanced 3) quorum issue. Jake...sending his list, will add when received. Observers on committee discussed, idea of guests by  invitation, Bill will create draft language. 

3. Revisions to current Fiscal Policy, Rules and Procedures -Jake: Asked if we had read Kara's email that was posted to FinCom list. Jo has read and expressed concern that the FinCom not get into FundCom policy with list sharing. Discussion about caucus and committee fundraising. Discussion about fiscal vs fundraising policies.

4. 2005 Budget

-Jake: need a schedule. Need to have final budget 2005 approved before Dec 15th. Need to start Nov 1 with discussion and  voting. Need to put out notice to committees and caucuses. Suggest start with 2004 and update for 2005. Need income plan from Kara for 2005. Question of % for committees that was discussed during last years budget process. Proposal: Need fundraising budget from Kara by Sept 15th, need to generate national office support core budget as first priority with justification, need to put suggestions to committee chairs for Oct 1 deadline that for their budget. We do not expect to have very much money in 2005. Passed with consensus.

5. List sharing is being referred to FundCom.

Next meeting Sept 8th, 7 pm et.