Finance Committee Notes:

GPUS Finance Committee Conference Call
Wednesday Sept 22 ,2004 7:00- 8:00 PM EST

Appoint facilitator- BILL, note taker-DOUG, timer-NONE
Approval of minutes of Sept 15 meeting

1. Database and Income reporting systems - Doug is working on queries in the database that Kara needs for fundraising. Doug is trying to complete them by tomorrow.

2. Committee Mission Policies and Procedures- discussion. Jake sent a draft out to the list today. Agreement to make a change to section 2.3.5 for Jake' s minor change.

3. Revisions to current Fiscal Policy - Rules and Procedures - Jake sent out a draft for a GPUS Fundraising Policy. It should go to Jo and then FunCom. We need to move on this in a week or two. Should go out to FunCom next week. Speed is of importance here. The policy should be a stand alone part/section of the Fiscal Policy. Agreement that policy should be uniform/the same for all committees. Doug feels that running all expenses and income though the current existing system so finances for the party is centralized as proposed here is better than committees or caucuses doing their own thing is much less of a potential nightmare. Jeff and group concurs. Comments if any due on this by next week.

4. 2005 Budget - discussion of fundraising budget. What to do about direct mail, $15k or $40k per month? We need to decide on level of direct mail. Kara is preparing two scenarios for Nov. 3 depending on election results and trying to raise $50k for the ad campaign. The campaign is dependent on kara' s success in the next week or two. Bill raises the issue that some people have money in their budget to donate before the end of the year, therefore campaigns this year could tap into that. This is more of a fundraising issue. Critical discussion of whether to use the reserve to kick-start the direct mail in order to save ourselves financially. That would make use of the funds which are "just sitting there." Or do we keep the reserve to cover one or two months of basic expenses as a cushion against insolvency. Doug reports the reserve is currently at $29k. We are spending about $25k a month and the minimum overhead is at $18 to $20k per month. Jake does not think the SC would approve a large expenditure from the reserve at the present.

5. Caucus, Committee and Network Fundraising as well as PAC formations - no discussion

6. Schedule Next meeting: Wed Sept 29, same time, same station

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan