Finance Committee Notes:

October 18, 2004

Minutes of GPUS Finance Committee teleconference, 7:30 PM EST

Appoint facilitator - Jake, timer - Jeff, and notetaker - LaVerne

Present: Jake, Jeff, Bill, LaVerne, Emily

Approval of minutes - Sept. 22, Oct. 13 - approved (none taken, Sept

1. Database and income reporting systems: no report

2. Fiscal Policy revisions - nothing new. Current, clean draft
Jake will send it out, and we will really, really read it and be ready
finalize it next week.

3. GPUS Fundraising Policy. LaVerne will comment on the current draft at
next meeting.

4. 2005 Budget. Dec 13th would be vote, so Nov. 22nd would need to be on
voting page. Steering committee week of 15th. So we need to get on it.
and Jo will take the bare-bones budget Jeff already submitted and turn
into a first draft for examination next week.

Next meeting: Monday, 25th, 7:30 PM EST