Finance Committee Notes:

November 15, 2004

Special multi-committee meeting Finance Committee, Steering Committee and Fundraising Committee of the GPUS

7:30 PM EST

Peggy Lewis, Jody Haug, Maya O'Connor, Jeff Turner, Jake Schneider, Jo Chamberlain, Marc Sanson, Gray Newman, Gwen Wages, Kara Mullen, LaVerne Butler

Jake Schneider facilitated. Bill Meyers took notes.

Minutes from previous meeting were approved.

We will have another meeting Wednesday, November 17 at 4:30 EST.

Bill will do another draft based on Draft 3, Draft 4, and minutes from the 2 meetings.

Reworking of LaVerne Butlers Bullet Points on Fundraising Policy

Proposal: "The GPUS Treasurer or designee shall provide each Treasurer of each accredited caucus, committee, and network the requisite financial forms, either in hardcopy or electronic format, to carry out their duties." Consensus. 

Proposal: "The GPUS Treasurer or designee shall provide, on a monthly basis, each Treasurer of each accredited caucus, committee, or network statements reflecting all monies deposited and spent." Consensus.

Proposal: "At least once a year the GPUS Fundraising Committee will provide training sessions on fundraising and financial planning to its caucuses, committees, networks and state parties." Consensus.

Proposal: "Each accredited caucus, committee and network will provide to the Treasurer or designee a working budget for each fundraising event. At a minimum the following will be provided to the Treasurer or designee: date of event, type of event, purpose of event, projected startup costs, and receipts expected. Any state participating in combined fundraising efforts with GPUS will provide the same information as above." Consensus.

Proposal: "Each accredited caucus, committee and network will create a yearly fundraising plan and provide a copy of same to the GPUS Fundraising Committee." Consensus.

Proposal: "The GPUS Treasurer or designee shall provide copies of all appropriate documents to the Steering Committee, Finance Committee, and Fundraising Committee upon request or when appropriate." Consensus. 

Discussion of requirement for informing states about fundraising by GPUS in their state. Suggested this could be done by a post to the list serve. What if states object? The complexities of this were discussed.

"The GPUS will be making ongoing personal solicitations to donors in all states throughout the year." Consensus. 

Fiscal Policy:

Section 1.

"The Steering Committee shall review recommendations by the Finance Committee to administer Green Party fundraising and organizational support expenditures." Consensus

The following changes in language were consensed to:

Expenditures from the Green Party's general operating account may shall be made by the Treasurer ...

For payments in excess of the amount of $2000 the Treasurer shall request and obtain an electronic approval from the designated Steering Committee member for each payment.

All expenditures will be recorded using accepted banking and accounting practices, and a report of all expenditures, including payees and amounts, will be available for member review.

Copies of monthly bank statements for all Green Party accounts will be made available to any member of the Steering Committee upon request, at any time.

Reconciled bank statements shall be available to any National Committee member upon request. Only the Treasurer or the designated member of the Steering Committee shall be authorized to make disbursements.

Once per calendar year, state parties are expected to make available to the GPUS their donor and membership lists for the purpose of fundraising for the GPUS.

[End of consensed list of language changes]

The following could not be resolved because of the question of how often the GPUS could mail to states:

States that have made their donor and member lists available to the GPUS within the last 12 months shall be entitled to receive GPUS lists of donors and contacts within their states for purposes of fundraising within their states.