Finance Committee Notes:

GPUS Finance Com Start time
Monday Dec 13 , 2004 7:30- 8:30 PM EST

GPUS Finance Committee Conference Call
Present: Jake, Doug, Jody, Ted, Jeff, Laverne, Emily, Jo, Mark

Appoint facilitator-JAKE, note taker-DOUG and timer-

Approval of minutes of Dec 6 meeting

Introduce any new members of FinCom(if any)-Ted Hentchel from FunCom monitors call

 1. Database and Income reporting systems Update - Doug reports that he completed entering income code info and that now the fundraising report is now working. However sustainers need to be transferred from Direct Mail and that can be done manually for 2004 and will be done via changing the sustainer's codes for recurring donations for 2005.

Jeff has sent a listing of income categories to use for 2005. Doug says almost all the categories are in the db now for the income report but that we will make sure that all the categories are in the db. And its noted that new codes for unanticipated types of income can be added very easily in the db.

2. Emily is planning a conf. Call with david spitzley to demo the database. People need Access and the db file on their computer. Spreadsheet that jeff just sent to list with a list of income codes.

2. Revisions to current Fiscal Policy -

Discussion of what happens when income comes in for a caucus. Doug says that the income would be coded as belonging to that caucus and would show up on the income report.

State donors list vs. revenue sharing - weve received questions regarding this issue. There are different positions and opinions on this out there. Discussion on this. Language in the policy will say we allow "other arrangements" in substitute for sharing their lists.

3. 2005 Proposed Budget - Draft 8 - Delegate Comments and responses from Fin Com-

4. 2005 Proposed Budget - Draft 11 - Decision to lower sustainer income by $12k, raise Direct Mail by $12k and add $36k in Online donations and deduct $8k for DIA.