Finance Committee Notes:

Monday Jan 3, 2005

7:30- 8:30 PM EST

GPUS Finance Committee Conference Call

Present: Jake, Doug, Laverne, Jo, Mark, Emily, Jody

Facilitator-JAKE, note taker-DOUG, timer-NONE

Approval of minutes of Dec 27 meeting

1. Database and Income reporting systems Update - Emily: Jeff's categories have been finalized, we can always add more categories though. Emily will email the final income category list to us. Conference call is scheduled Wednesday at 4pm with David Spitzley to discuss the db structure and changes to coding income to be more than one way, for instance caucus and committees versus direct mail or events.

Discussion of coding the donations for caucus and committees. Currently solicitation codes attribute a donation to a direct mail piece rather than the caucus and committees Emily says there are separate lines on the deposit report for caucus and committees. 

Discussion of flowing money either top down or bottom up from caucus and committees. Reaffirmed our decision to flow money down to caucus and committees. 

Emily says only about 8% of our donations received by mail don't send back a reply card. Reply cards have the solicitation code on them so we know the source of the donation if we get a reply card. We also could have the web site ability for the donor to indicate their intension regarding caucus and committees. Currently the web site does not have this feature we think. No consensus about changing the web site. Emily to work with Kevin, DIA, Jeff and Doug to try to come up with a proposal for the web site via a conference call. 

2. Proposed Fiscal Policy - We are in the voting stage with the national committee. This Sunday voting closes.  

3. Proposed 2005 Budget - We are in the voting stage with the national committee. This Sunday voting closes. Annual national meeting committee will be submitting a budget to FinCom for the event. 

4. Putting Fincom minutes up on the web: Emily has sent to Kevin and Kevin will post them. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan