Finance Committee Notes:

GPUS Finance Com Call Mon Jan 10 Starts at 7:30-8:30PM EST and GPUS
Fundraisng Com Start at 8:30 - 9:30 PM

Appoint facilitator-JAKE, note taker-DOUG and timer

Present: Jeff, Emily, jody, jo , Laverne , mark doug, jake

Monday Jan 10 7:30- 8:30 PM EST

Database and Income reporting systems Update - Jeff - tomorrow Jeff is sending out new version of the income categories. Next week anticipate jeff sending it out. After this hopefully David Spitzley can start to make those changes in the db. Goal is to have project done Jan 31. Discussion of David's tour of the db last week. It was a very successful conference call with David. Discussion of DIA conference call earlier today with Mark, Doug, Emily and Kevin working on getting the DIA system, email solictations, caucus and committee webpages and the USGP donation page on the website to have a check box or drop down option to share with caucuses and committees. Currently there is a sharing check box for sharing with states on the USGP donation page on the website. 

2. Donation Sharing strategy: Jeff suggested we take a 10% surcharge on donations to caucus and committees for our overhead costs. Discussion of which percentages to use for sharing with caucus and committees and states. Ideas range from 0 to10 to 20 to 25 to 50% to go to USGP in different circumstances. Jake will check these ideas with the Fiscal Policy that just passed. 

3. Proposed Fiscal Policy - Voting Results - passed - 63 yes, 12 no 5 abstensions. Proposed 2005 Budget Voting Results - passed - 55 yes, 29 no, 6 abstensions. Jake will send out to the list the FINAL approved budget and polices. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan